Chapter 31

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Selena's P.O.V


Today Natasha, Mari, Perla, Adriana, Genny, Chelsea, Lizbeth, Dallana, Jesenia, and Ally are going dress hunting with me.

I was actually really excited; not just because I was going to probably find my dress, but also to meet the girls.

Last week when we met we all exchanged phone numbers and we have been texting since.

They always made me laugh, and they were actually really cool girls.

I was currently finishing my make up so we can meet up at the first dress shop.

I was wearing rip up skinny jeans, with a dark green t shirt, and my brown heel boots. (pic above)

My hair was straight, and my make up was very light and natural.

I grabbed my keys and headed out.


I was there first, and shortly after the girls came in. An older women came up to us, and greeted us.

"Which of you beautiful ladies is getting married?" She smiled.

"I am." I said shyly.

"Well congratulations! Are you looking for anything in particular?" She asked.

"Um no..." I said.

"It's okay sweetheart. You can look around and let me know if anything stands out to you." She told me.

I nodded and thanked her.

"Sel do you want us to grab a dress for you? Or?" Lizbeth asked me.

"Uh no. Can y'all just tell me how it looks?" I asked.

"Of Course we can." Dallana said while smiling.

I began to walk to the aisle of wedding dresses. I gasped at the many options I had, this was going to be a long day.


We have seriously been looking for dresses in about three dress shops now. And nothing has caught my eye enough for me to say "it's the one"

We were getting inside the 4th store, and it seemed really nice.

"Okay guys I'm gonna look around." I smiled. They all smiled and gave me a thumbs up, then laugh at what they did.

I giggled and walked away to the aisle.


I had four dresses of my choice, I was putting the 2nd dress already, so far the first one the girls gave it a thumbs down.

I walked outside where the girls were waiting.

"Oh my glob."

"Werk it."

"You look gorgeous."

"Holy crap."

I smiled and looked at myself in the mirror. Maybe this was the one...


"Thank you." I waved goodbye to the lady. I finally found the dress, it was beautiful and I couldn't wait to wear it on my wedding day.

"Sel it looked beautiful on you. Ima cry." Genny said.

"Thank you. Thank you all for coming with me." I sincerely said.

"Welcome best friend." Ally said.

I giggled, "anyways I wanted to know if you guys will do me the honor of being my bridesmaids?" I hoped they said yes.

"Hell yeah!" Dallana said.

"Oh my god yes!" Mari added.

"Good." I smiled.


Joel's P.O.V

I was currently finding my tux for the wedding.

I can't believe I'm getting married before I'm 30 (get it? Hahahaha).

I'm glad Sel is the one I'm marrying, she's my everything, and I can't wait to see her beautiful face every morning.

"Yo man the girls texted me and they said Sel found the dress." Yoandri said.

"really? I need to find my tux then." I said and dragged him in the store.


"Which of you fellas is tying the knot?" An older man came up to us.

"I am." I smiled proudly.

"Well congratulation boy! Are you looking for anything in particular?" He asked.

"No just the regular tux." I spoke politely.

"Okay, well those tuxes are over there, let me know if you find something." He said, and I nodded my head.

I began to walk that direction and Yoandri followed.


I was getting a fit to order my tux, I think it looks nice.

I found my tux, Sel found her dress. Everything seems to be going perfect.

"Hi Joel." Oh crap it couldn't be. Not the same preppy voice, why now?


a/n: AHAHA here's the new chapter! Make sure to vote & comment for more! Btw thank you guys so much for 16k!!

The First Time // Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now