Chapter Eleven

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Selena's P.O.V

Yesterday when Joel had re-asked me to go on a date with him, I've been very anxious to know what we were going to do. I had told him I didn't want to go to a dinner or go out as long as we were together I didn't mind.

I might of also thought he wouldn't actually want to take me out, considering he just joined a band. I would've of thought he will be very busy with interviews and stuff like that. Or his fans could spot us and be really mean to us, especially me because they love him, and I couldn't risk that for his career.

He hasn't let me get out of his room because he had a 'surprise' for me. I literally been in his room for an hour now. Both his parents, grandma and brothers were out for the whole day. (Guys don't think in the dirty way (; lol) I really wanted to know what this 'surprise was'

Joel came in his room after another 35 minutes. "Ready?" He asked. "I guess so." I chuckled. "Okay so you need to close your eyes, but don't worry I'll carry you so you won't fall from the stairs." He laughed. "Okay but I swear if you drop me I will personally kill you." He put his hands up in surrender.

He gave a blindfold which I put on, he was carrying me bridal style and he began to move. Oh god, wait I trust him... Right? He carefully carried me downstairs which made me smile. "Ok Sel you can take the blindfolds out." He said while I'm assuming we made it to the last step.

I took the blindfolds off, once my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I looked at a blanket fort (if that's how you even call it lol but image above) "Joel..." "Wait theirs more." He grabbed my hand and took me inside the fort.

When we went inside I was speechless, it was beautiful. It had a few lights hanging from the top and a tv inside with its DVD player. "Joel! You didn't have to do this.." "I know but you didn't want to go out, so why not make something special." I hugged him really tight, no one and I mean no one, has ever done anything like this for me.

"Before we watch a movie, I want to know who is Selena. So tell me about yourself." He smiled. "What do you want to know?" I mean I don't think theirs much to say about me. "Anything." "Well I was born in Cali, I'm the youngest child, I have one sibling, my favorite color is pink." I didn't know what else to say. "Can I ask you something?" He asked I nodded. "Why did you think I was like every guy if you didn't even know me that well." I looked down, I had to tell him, he deserves to know why.

"Joel I don't know if you will understand or not. But every guy I've dated are the same, I just thought you were... But you have changed my mind completely. No guy has been here for me through everything, or has done something like this to me." I said while pointing at the fort. It was true, Joel has definitely changed my mind that all boys aren't the same.

He grabbed my cheek so I can face him, "Sel you know I will never hurt you. I want to heal your heart so you can give me a chance, you agreeing to go on a date proves me I've helped somewhat. I really really care for you." I couldn't help but smile. Can this boy be any greater? Without even thinking I began to lean in...
A/N: lol another cliff hanger, y'all probably wanna kill me! Anyways next chapter will be pretty long and it will be a little different their will be more Jelena and yea haha make sure to vote & comment for more (:

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