Chapter 13

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                    Selena's P.O.V
      I woke earlier than usual. I stood up and made my way to the restroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

       Once I finished I made my way downstairs. I went to the kitchen and decided to make some breakfast for Joel, since he's done so much for me. I Looked at the food they had and I went with making; Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, and some orange juice.

After a while I finally finished. I walked into his room and found him asleep.

"Joelito wake up." I said in a baby voice.

He groaned and put his blanket on top of his head. "Joel!" I whined. He uncovered himself and slowly began to open his eyes. They finally opened after what seemed hours.

"Good Morning Joelito." I giggled. I've never called him that so this was new to me, and obviously him.

"Good morning beautiful. I'm glad you're better now." He smiled. Joel Pimentel you're so nice.

"Yeah thanks to you! And to thank you I made you breakfast." I handed him the plate and the cup with OJ.

"Sel! You didn't have-" I cut him off. He deserved this, I wanted to do this for him. In this world their isn't many guys that let a girl stay at their home that they barely know. Or go through so much for her.

"I wanted to. Now shut up and eat." I laughed, causing him to laugh.


Once Joel finished we started talking about life. "Sel." "Hm."

"I know I've told you this like a billions of times. But I want you to know that I truly, truly care about you. And I will always be here for you, I want to be the one to fix you. Because babygirl I know you gotta past but you got nothing on me. I want to show you that all boys aren't the same." He finished off.

I was speechless. It seems like every time he talks to me like that it leaves me speechless. I can't help but smile at his words. Those simple words that make me get butterflies in my tummy.

"Joel... You're an amazing guy. I can't even explain how lucky I am. Ever since that time when we bumped into each other, I really like you. And I'm being serious, you are healing my pain from previous relationships, and I'm glad it's you." I smiled, at this point it's all I seem to do when I'm with him.

"Well I'm glad you feel that way. Selena will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

Oh my god. Is this really happening? I can't explain what's going through my head.

A/N: lols y'all gonna hate me bc another cliffhanger. What do y'all think? Sorry it's short! Longer one tomorrow I promise (: VOTE COMMENT & YEAA LOL GOODBYE BABES XXX

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