Chapter 25

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                     -Selena's P.O.V-

I woke up the next morning in bed with Joel. I look beside me, to see Joel in a deep sleep.

I admired his face and how cute he looked while he's asleep. His mouth was a few inches open, and he slightly snorted.

I giggled at the sound of it, but I guess it was a little bit too loud because Joel woke up.

Way to go Selena. "Hey." He gave me a small smile. "Hi." I smiled back.

"Are you okay? Am I hurting you? Maybe I should get-." I was cut off.

"Sel calm down haha, I'm fine." He assured me, I sighted and nodded.

"Do you need anything?" I asked him. "I need you." He whispered.

"Joel, we already talked about this." I closed my eyes shaking my head. "I know but can you just say yes?"

"I want to say yes. But look how both of us have been hurt because of our relationship." I thought about all the shit I've been through for the past three months.

"Hey. Remember how when the fans hated on you, and we both agreed to focus on us and not worry about what others say?" I nodded in response.

"So then let's worry about us, let's forget the past and focus on our future baby girl." "I don't know.."

"C'mon Sel. Give us another chance." "I love you Joel, I'll give us another chance." I smiled.

He leaned in and after a few seconds I felt those warm and soft lips I fell in love with.

He depended the kiss, I smiled through the kiss, I missed this, I missed us.


We have literally been laying down in a peaceful quiet for the past thirty minutes.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. "You didn't take it off?" He asked looking at my promise ring, playing with it.

"No." I looked down. "Why?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I kinda hoped that we will be together again." I smiled at him.

"Well then I'm glad it happened." He grinned.

"I love you Joel Pimentel." "And I love you Selena Reyes." He kiss my cheek and then my for head.


It's been a couple of weeks and Joel is still at the hospital and I make sure to visit him every day.

Our relationship has been great so far, I truly love him and I'm happier with him.

He's brought out the best of me, he has helped me in believing in love. He's been here after all my parents drama.

If it wasn't for him I will be a mess, I guess I'm his mess now.

But he's changed my mess into something positive.

Maybe we are meant to be; after everything that happened in those three months, we re-connect again.

Okay maybe I didn't know if we were meant to be.

All I knew is that it could happen; he was different and he made me feel different.

I know that I have a past but I have nothing on him; I know he isn't trying to lay with me, but be there for me.


"Hey how you doing?" I asked stepping in Joel's hospital room.

"I've been good, I missed you." He pouted.

"Joel I was here yesterday." I chuckled.

"I know but still that was 24 hours ago." He smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"You're a weirdo." I giggled.

"But you love me." He smirked. "I mean I guess." I smirked back.

He let out a dramatic gasp, "how dare you say that?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Eh. I mean I guess I love you." "You know you love me."

"Okay okay I love you Joelcito." I giggled remembering he didn't like me to call him like that.

"You did not." He said.

"Did what?" I pretended to act innocent.

"Sel." He chuckled. "Okay I'm sorry, I was just kidding I love you." I giggled.

"I love you too. Lay with me?" I nodded and headed to his bed.

He grabbed my waist protectively. I smiled at his touch. Finally everything is back to normal.

Our normal.


a/n: I hope you guys like this filler chapter! Make sure to vote and comment (: oh & btw go check out my Richard fanfic! -j

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