Chapter Three

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                        Joel's P.O.V
        "Oh look it's my girl Selena." Yoandri said. "What?" I asked. I mean I just met her, but I didn't know if she knew any of the guys. "Yeah we bumped into each other while she was looking  for the restrooms." He said, I felt a little relieved when he said they just bumped into each other. I don't know why. Could it be that I like her? I just met her. I was interrupted by my thoughts, "So Joel why don't you introduce us to these pretty ladies." Erick said. Classic Erick. "This is Selena and this is her bestfriend-" "Ally." Selena finished off for me. I smiled at her, she looked down. Did I creep her out or something? "Let's go out, I'm hungry!!!" Chris told everyone. Everyone seemed to agree so why not.
Yoandri, Ally, Selena and me all went to my car, since the other ones got full. "Put some music!" Yoandri said from the backseat. It was him and Ally at the back, while I was in the drivers seat with Selena. "What kind of?" I asked. "Any!" Hmm I decided to put on some Shawn Mendes, because I really like his songs. (A/N: Who doesn't?) Stitches came on and the car ride consisted of us singing out loud and laughing. I never wanted to stop hearing Selena's laugh, it made me smile. It was music to my ears.  But it soon ended as we pulled up to McDonald's, where we met up with the boys.
           "I'll pay for you. It's the least I can do after I bumped into you." I told Selena. "No. It's fine!" "Can one of y'all pay? There's a line waiting." The cashier said coldly. I handed her the money. Selena looked mad. "Joel I didn't want you to pay for me!" And she began to tell me how she could of payed for her own food.  "It was no big deal, now c'mon calm down!" I pulled her by her wrist to come sit down. Which I might of pulled her a little to much, because she ended up on my lap. We looked at each other, but that stopped once Richard came and interrupted the moment. If that was even a moment. "Whoa y'all should get a room." He chuckled. She quickly got of my lap and sat next to me. "GUYS I THINK JOEL MIGHT HAVE A CRUSH!!!" Richard yelled out to the boys. Great. I looked down and blushed, so did Selena.
                      Selena's P.O.V
          When Joel pulled my wrist for me to sit next to him, but instead I ended on his lap it made me feel this type of way, that I can't even explain. I was looking at  him  and so was he. But that got ruined by Richard I think that's his name. After a while he yelled out to the boys 'Guys I think Joel has a crush.' I looked down, and blushed. A crush? Why did I blush? I don't know why, but I did feel something ever since I bumped into him. We all got our food and began to eat. Joel kept looking at me as I ate. "Do I have something?" I covered my mouth, just incase. "No haha, I don't know you just look very beautiful." I blushed for the 8,000 time tonight. "Thanks." "Ugh can y'all stop, I'm trying to eat." Ally said, making the others laugh. We both looked down in embarrassment.
"Thanks Joel for everything. It was nice meeting you." I said sincerely. "No problem, I hope we can hang out again..." He said while playing with his fingers. "Yeah for sure. Just text me." "Bye Sel." He said, and kissed my cheek. And then walked away. I remained silent. I felt a few sparks, even if I met him today I think I may actually like Joel. But I can't, he's going to brake my heart. Just like other guys. It always happens... I'll probably push my feelings towards him away, yeah I'll do that.

A/N: Next chapter? Vote, comment and share for more!! Maybe 10 votes on this chapter an the previous one? Srry if this sucked. But I hope y'all enjoy!

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