Chapter 18

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  Selena's P.O.V

   "Wouldn't you want to have kids with me one day?" Wait a minute did I hear him correctly?

   I love Joel I really do, but have kids? I'm not ready for that step, heck I'm not even ready for marriage.

    "Sel I was just kidding, trust me babe we will talk about that later on in our future." He said while rubbing my shoulder.

   I felt so relived. " Good, because I'm not ready for that step." I chuckled.

  "Me neither.." He breathed out. I wonder how Joel will be as a father, if he was that sweet to Juli then he is gonna be a great dad.

  Maybe a future with him isn't as bad, maybe I will get over my fears of having  a good relationship. Maybe Joel will be my prince and I will be the princess.


                    -2 weeks later-

   I was currently with Joel at the studio, him and the rest of the guys were recording some new songs.

  I was pulled out of the studio at certain points, I didn't questioned it, but that didn't stop my curiosity.

  As the recording session ended, Joel ran up to me and attacked me with a bunch of kisses in my cheek, lips, and forehead.

  "Ugh can y'all not." Erick moaned. "Shut up." Joel said while trowing a pillow from the couch at him.

  "Seriously you guys need to get a room." Zabdiel said. "This is a room." I smirked at him.

  Obviously I haven't lost my virginity, I wasn't sure if I wanted to loose it yet. Joel hasn't pressured me or anything which I was grateful for.

   "Gross." Richard said in a little kids voice. "Ay ya cállense dejen a los enamorados en paz." Chris told the boys.

   Finally someone told these boys to shut up. "Thank you Chris." I told him. Haven't any of them ever had a girlfriend?


      It has been a couple of days since we were at the studio with boys. And by we I mean Joel and I.

    He has been a bit distant; he will make a bunch of phone calls, and be on his phone like I'm being serious most of the time he will be on his phone.

   It was driving my crazy, what was he doing? Who was he calling and texting? Is he cheating on me? No Sel he wouldn't.

   I was sitting next to him; we haven't talked at all. He was just on his phone, which was now his occupation. He was shaking really bad, what could possibly be going on?

   "Hey Sel go get ready! We're gonna go out." He smiled. I nodded my head and went to change.

   I put on some wash out denim jeans, a black tank top and a red flannel. I didn't bother on putting make up since I already had it. I had eyeliner, mascara and foundation. I let my hair natural with its wavy parts. I looked pretty presentable if you ask me.


       We have been driving for a while now, and I had no idea were we where going.

     After a while we finally came to a stopping point. I didn't even know where we were at. Nothing looked familiar.

   "Where are we?" I asked. "It's a park.." He said quietly. Weird.

    "So what are we doing here?" I said as we walked to god knows where. "You'll see." He send me a half smile. I mentally rolled my eyes.

   We walked and walked for what seemed like hours. We finally made it to a stopping point. I looked around my surroundings and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

   I gasped, is this real? I've never seen anything like this. I was lost at words, I was speechless.


A/N: ahh kill me I know, sorry it's still short! I know I said I'd longer . But I promise next chapter will be longer and it won't have a cliffhanger! What do y'all think she's seeing ? THE MORE VOTES AND COMMENTS THE SOONER I WILL UPDATE!!!!

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