Chapter Nine

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                   Guys go request for an imagine on my new book if you want lol.
               Selena's P.O.V
     I was a little bump out when Yoandri called dibs on the front because I really wanted to go on the front with Joel. But whatever. "Can I put some Tori Kelly? Because she's bae!" Yoandri asked. "Go for it, Joel said while handing him the aux cord. Yoandri put on 'Nobody Love' and started jamming out to it, I might of joined in during the middle of the song. After it ended I couldn't help but laugh, "We're a couple of dorks." I said. "No only you. I am kinda famous therefore I'm a big deal." Yoandri smirked. I laughed at him. "Yea ok."

We finally arrived at the mall and it was crowded by lots of people. "Mayb-." I was cut off by Joel grabbing my hand pulling me out of the entrance. We hid behind some bushes, while Yoandri was taking some pictures with fans. "What was that for?" I asked confused. "Those are fans. I don't want to be seen with you." Ouch. What the actual fuck? "Oh.." I didn't want to cry. He wasn't worth my tears. "Oh my god Sel no I didn't mean it-" "No it's fine. I get it, you don't want to be seen with me. I guess I am what you call an embarrassment." I knew he wasn't any different from any guy. "Sel.-" "Whatever Joel, I thought you were gonna be different. You said you were." I began to walk away but he grabbed my wrist turning me around to face him.

"Sel, let me explain-" "No! You already d-." I was cut off by his lips on mine. He kissed me, I fought the urge of not kissing him back, but I failed. His lips were soft like cotton candy and our lips moved in perfect sync. It was perfect. My stomach was going crazy. I felt fireworks and sparks.

       "Sel look, those girls can be really mean, like really mean. I didn't want to hurt you. Even if they weren't going to be my words that hurt you. Don't think I'm embarrassed of you. Because trust me I will yell out to the world that I have a major crush on you." My heart felt so much better. "Joel.." "I mean it Sel!" "It's ok. I over reacted, I'm so sorry." I said. "No it's not your fault. We're cool?" "We're cool." I smiled. I think it was very cute how he wanted to protect me, I did over react. "Wanna go back home? I texted Yoandri and security kicked him out. So Johann picked him up." "Sure lets go!"

          It's almost been a week since the mall thing. And since Joel asked me if I wanted to date him, he hasn't asked me anywhere though, however he did ask me if I wanted to go with him to La Banda for support. Which I gladly accepted.

      I was still at his house, being to afraid of going back home. Ever since that day I've been scared to go back home. I'm so glad Joel, his mom and grandma have accepted me in their home. I did go back home a couple days ago to get a few of my items, my mom nor dad were there, Daniel was, but he was ok with everything because he wanted me safe.

          I began to get ready. Considering it was the Finals (Let's pretend we all talked about the semi finals and the other episodes ok? Ok.)  his mom, grandma and I all wore the same white t-shirt that had a picture of Joel, and #TeamJoel on the front. I wore some light skinny jeans, and white converse, I straighten my hair. For my make up I decided to ware some mascara, eyeliner, concealer and a little bit of blush. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked decent.

    I grabbed my phone and all 3 of us girls headed out.

   "Mrs. Pimentel are you nervous for Joel?" I asked her. "Un Poquito mija, él siempre a soñado de esto desde que era un niño muy chiquito." "Wow. Va haber que el va hacerlo en la banda!" I told her, I was serious he is very talented. "Let's hope so!" She said.

        We got to la Banda a while ago so far Jaime, Yoandri and Richard had performed. They all killed it, I can tell they were nervous but still gave it all they had. It was about to be Joel's turn to sing, and we were all very excited for him. He soon came out, "Hola mi hermosa gente. Para esta canción se la dedico ha alguien...-"


Tun Tun cliff hanger! Lol comment, & vote for more!!! & go request for an imagine (:

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