Chapter 28

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-Joel's P.O.V-

I was such a happy man. I'm going to marry the love of my life. I'm so glad she said yes, she makes me so happy.

I'm happy for our future. I'm happy for us.

It has been a couple of weeks after I proposed, and my mom keeps bothering me that I have to plan the wedding.

"Dude I'm serious I think my mom is going crazy. She won't stop talking about planing the wedding." I said through the phone speaking to Yoandri.

"Just tell her to chill." Yoandri chuckled.

"Like that's so easy." I muttered.

"Ugh. Well listen to what she has to say. Maybe it will help so you and Sel don't get to stressed." Yoandri said.

"Okay thanks Yo. I'll call you later bye."


                 -Selena's P.O.V-

"YOU'RE FUCKING ENGAGED? WHAT??" Ally scram. "Ally chill." I chuckled.

"You're growing up so fast what the fuck." She said dramatically.

"And you're just now telling me?" She asked.

"Alls I didn't know how to tell you. But I miss my bitch." I laughed.

"I miss you too." She said.

"Ally I have no idea how to plan a wedding." I whispered.

"Ay Mija, just tell Joel to help you. Ugh I can't wait to have little nephews and nieces." She spoke.

"Keep wanting that." I giggled.

"Are you saying you don't want kids?" She asked. Did I want any kids?

"I mean I do, but maybe not right now." I said.

I love Joel but maybe babies isn't the best idea. However I will love to have a baby with him.

Right now just isn't the right time. I mean we're still young, and his band career is just taking off.

I couldn't add any more pressure, and stress towards him.

"I get it. Well bitch I gotta go, text me or all me later." She said.

"Bye Allison."


"Hey baby." Joel said stepping inside my house.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We have to talk about the wedding." He said.

"Yes, what's up?" "Okay we need to make a list about of the things we will need."

"I agree. C'mon let's go to my room and talk." I said grabbing his arm and heading upstairs.


After a couple of hours of planning I thought we had a decent list of our wedding preparation, and details.

"I can't wait." I said.

"Me neither baby, okay now you make those phone calls while I'll do mine. See you tomorrow I love you." He kissed my forehead and headed out.

I grabbed my phone. I typed in the number but was interrupted when I saw a shadow, and someone whispered in my ear.

"Long time no see right?" It couldn't be. Why now? Why?


a/n: cliffhanger kill me
lol well I know it
probably sucked but
expect a longer
chapter tomorrow (:
What do you think is
gonna happen next? Make
sure to vote &a comment (:

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