Chapter Twelve

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        Guys this chapter may have a bunch of feels k. Gtgtgtgtg!!

Selena's P.O.V
Previously; Without even thinking I began to lean in...
          He was leaning in too, this will make it our second time kissing. Suddenly his lips crashed into mine, I felt the Sparks and fireworks all over again. Who would've of thought one boy can cause so many feelings.
          Once we pulled away from our kiss Joel began to speak "Sel... I want to ask you to be my girlfriend but it's so soon. I want to get to know you before I ask you." I smiled, he was right. "I agree with you."  He gave me a warm smile. "What movie shall we watch?" He asked. "Do you have The wedding ringer?" "Yes!" I love that movie, it was hilarious. He put it in the DVD player, I laid down and shortly after he laid down right by my side. He put one of his hands around my waist, while I put my head on his chest. This moment couldn't get any more perfect.
   ------Next day------
I woke up in Joel's bed, I smiled like an idiot at the thought of yesterday. I looked at the other side of the bed to only find it empty. That's weird Joel usually doesn't wake up this early. I stood up and stretched, I went to the restroom and saw a note on the mirror.
       "Goodmoring beautiful I know you go to the restroom when you first wake up you hahaha anyways I went to the studio I'll be back later -Joel."
      Oh so that's where he went. I was kinda bump about it because I wanted to spend another day with him. Call me selfish but I just enjoyed his presence. Now that I think about it I haven't talked to Ally in a long time now. It were if she knew what I was thinking about, because I got a message from her.
            -from bff 💓-
Hey girly imy lets hang out?
           -to bff 💓-
Yes girl! Lets go to the mall?
         -from bff 💓-
Yea ill pick you up in 20
       I had told Ally everything that had happened with my parents, I even saw my mom the other day. She told me my dad went to jail but I had to stay with Joel for a few more weeks. I didn't know why but I didn't question it.
I was getting ready by putting some skinny jeans, a black t shirt, and my black Nikes. I put my hair in a messy bun, I just added some mascara to have a natural look.
After a while Ally called me and told me she was here, I grabbed my phone and headed out. "Hey girl I miss you!" Ally said as soon as I made it inside her car, "Al I miss you too!" Finally a day with my best friend.
       "OMG you're kidding!" Ally said, once I told her about me and Joel, when we kissed behind the bushes from the mall, and yesterday. "No I'm not! I really like him Ally!" I was being honest. "Sel he seems different from the rest of the guys you have dated. I mean what guy will ever let a girl he barely knows into his home, and sings to her on a live tv show?" Ok she was right. "You're right." "I know." She flipped her hair, I couldn't help but laugh, "God Allison I miss you." "You better have missed me." She chuckled.
         "Please don't take weeks to call me and ask to hangout." I told her, as she drove right around the corner to Joel's house. "I won't I promise! Let me know if anything new happens with you and Joel." She winked. "Shut up." I rolled my eyes, "Bye Felicia." She said. "Adios mensa." I waved goodbye.
         I walked into the familiar home, I walked into the living room but suddenly stopped when I saw someone I wished to never see again. My dad. "How did you get in here?" I began to get worried, how the fück can he get in? How did he know where I was? How is he here when my mom said he was in jail?! "Oh don't worry about it hun now let's go home." He said. "No!" "Go away!" I said. My hands were sweating, my heart was beating 1,000 miles per hours. What did he want?
"Selena don't be like-" "Hey Sel, Who is this?" Joel came in and asked. "I'm her dad, and I'm here to pick my daughter up." Joel looked at me like he just seen a ghost.
"I don't think so sir, Sel is staying with my family as of right now. And I don't think it's ok with her or her mom." Joel told my father. "You're not telling me whether I can take my daughter or not." I was frightened. So many questions pooped in my mind. What the hell? What if he escaped, what's happening? Joel stood in front of me, "You can't take her, her mom said she will get her soon, she never said that you will pick her up." "Son things have changed." "No sir, her mom would've said something." Joel replied back.
Joel whispered in my ear to go upstairs. I began to walk when I was pulled from my wrist, my dad turned me around to face him. "You're not going anywhere." He spat. "Leave her alone!" Joel grabbed my dad by his t-shirt. My dad let go of my wrist, I ran as fast as I could upstairs I got my phone out and called 911.
I told them everything, once again. I didn't realize I was crying until I hung up. Why does this have to happen all over again? I went downstairs, I didn't want anything to happen to Joel, it will be my fault if something did happened to him. I saw my dad laying on the ground, and Joel standing up calling someone. "What happened?" I asked in tears. "Sel calm down. Your dad was about to punch me once he let go of your wrist, but he passed out. I just called 911 and they're on their way." I wasn't crying anymore I was sobbing.
The police and ambulance came in shortly. We told them everything that had happened, they took my dad away, they told us to just rest. That they will take care of this situation. When they left I broke down. I dropped to the ground and began to cry. Joel quickly sat on the floor, put me on his lap and hugged me.
"Sel it's ok." "No! It's not ok! What happened to my dad? Why is he like that? Years ago he never laid a hand on me, Joel what happened to my dad?" "I don't know baby girl. It's ok, you will get your answers soon.. Don't cry. It's ok you're safe with me." Somewhat Joel saying I was safe with him calmed me down a bit. Truth is I always felt safe with him.
I was still crying, when did my family fall apart? I woke up in the middle of the night, I was in Joel's bed he had his arms around me. I looked at him and he was awake. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I am now. Joel I can never thank you enough. You're seriously my hero." "Don't thank me. Sel I told you I will do anything for you." I smiled, I yawned I was tired. "Go to sleep baby girl. You need to rest." He said and then kissed my forehead. I began to doze off and finally fell asleep.

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