Chapter 34

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Selena's P.O.V

Today the girls and I are going to check their bridesmaids dresses. I was actually very excited to see what they will looked like.

I just hope the girls like their dresses.

We were all going to meet up at the store. Their dresses were going to be teal, I had already picked them up they just had to try it on.

In all honesty I liked them but I want the girls to feel okay with the dresses.

I quickly zipped up my Jeans and headed out to my car.


I finally arrived at the dress store and saw all of the girls waiting with their Starbucks drink.

"Hey bitches she's here." Dallana said, causing the girls to look up from their phones.

I giggled and greeted them. "Are you ready to see your dresses guys?" I asked them.

"Yes!" They all said in sync.

We walked inside and was greeted by a young women.

"Hi! I'm here to check out the bridesmaids dresses." I said politely.

Natasha, Mari, Perla, Adriana, Genny, Chelsea, Lizbeth, Dallana, Jesenia, and Ally all went inside the dressing rooms while the women brought their dresses inside of the dressing rooms.

The dresses were an aqua color with gold at the top. (Pic above).

One by one each girl came out looking beautiful.

"You guys look great!" I squealed.

"Tell me something I don't know." Genny said then giggled.

"Del you did good with choosing our dresses." Mari said.

"I'm glad you guys liked it." I smiled.


"Thank you so much!" I waved goodbye to saleswomen.

"Oh my God you guys my wedding is in three days." I'm not going to lie I was freaking out.

"I know dude! We need to throw you a bachelorettes party!" Natasha said.

"Yeah I'm good thanks!" I said.

"Oh no you're not! We're throwing it and you're gonna like it." Lizbeth said feeling confident.

"Ughh." Why don't I always win in a argument??

"Stop whining." Perla rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes too.

"We need to celebrate Sel! Cheer up!" Ally said.

"Okay." How bad could it be? 10 girls who are not married now theirs a limit to partying right?

What have I gotten myself into.


A/n: hey guys I'm back! Short chapter I know, like I promise though #7dayswithjen is here! And sadly it is the last week for this book meaning it's coming to an end. anyways please vote & comment for more (: and check out my YouTube video for a free video edit w. Your fav + imagine (: xxx -j

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