Chapter 17

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                      -Joel's P.O.V-

      Selena has been doing so much better, ever since the incident with my fans. We have been getting more supporters of our relationship, which I was glad.

    I made sure Sel was okay though, I will constantly check on her, she was my priory.

   I had just texted her about an hour ago, she wanted to hang out, so I invite her to my aunts house, since I have to babysit my little cousin, who is five.

   Selena was all up for it, it made me think of our future. Maybe one day we will be the ones to have our own family.

   I don't know what it is but I get this feeling inside of me, that makes me believe that Selena will be my forever. I hope this feeling is true because I am madly in love.

I was on my way to pick Sel up. I made it to her house in 15 minutes, I knocked on her door and she opened the door with her beautiful smile.

"Ready?" I asked her. "Yeah let me just get my purse." I nodded, and waited for her.

In a couple of minutes she came out with her purse. She held my hand as we made our way to my car.

-Skip Car Ride-

After a while, we finally arrived at my aunts house. I grabbed Selena's hand as we made our way to the front door.

"Hola mijo! Pásale." My aunt Rosa, said making space for me and Sel to enter the house.

  The both of us walked inside only to be greeted by my little cousin Julissa. She came up to us and hugged my leg since she's very small.

"Hi Joel." She said. "Hola Juli. How are you?" I asked her. "Gewd." She said, not so clear because she is only five.

"Ok mijo ay te la encargo. Cuidasen. llámame si pasa algo malo, bye!" My aunt waved us goodbye as she walked out.

"Ready to have some fun?" Sel asked Julissa. She nodded, meaning she's nervous. "Don't be nervous Juli. She's nice." I assured her.

"Can wee watch fowzen?" Juli asked. "Of course, and I can make popcorn!" Sel told her. Juli's eyes brighten up and clapped her hands.

I put in the movie, while Sel went to make the popcorn. She shortly came in to the living room sitting next to Juli.


"Let it go. Let it go, can't hold it back anymore..." Juli and Sel sang together. I couldn't help but laugh. They looked so cute, and I was very surprise at Juli for stepping out of her comfort zone.

After an hour later my aunt came home.

"Como se porta Juli?" My aunt asked me. "Bien Tia." I answered smiling. I loved taking care of all my little cousins.

"Mami puewden venir owtraves?" Juli asked. My aunt smiled and nodded.

"Bye Juli!" Sel waved goodbye. "Bye." She waved back at us.


"You handled her well." I smirked. "Whatever." She laughed. "Wouldn't you want to have kids with me one day?"


A/N: Cliffhanger? Lol I know this sucks and is short, longer chapter tomorrow! Make sure to vote & comment for more (:

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