Chapter 26

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  -Selena's P.O.V-
*2 days later*


Joel had been released from the hospital two days ago. I still go to his house and make sure he's okay.

I was heading to his house to check up on him.

I drove out of my house and onto his. After a while I finally made it to his house.

"Hola Sel como estas mija?" His mom asked me.

"Muy bien señora, y usted?" I smiled sweetly.

"Pues bien jaja Joel está en su cuarto pásale." I nodded and headed up to Joel's room.

I knocked slightly at his door.

"Hey.." I walked in. "hi baby." He gave me his warm smile.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. "Better now that you're here." He said.

"Joel you're so corny." I giggled.

"But you love it." He chuckled. "Yeah yeah."

"So do you want to watch anything?" I asked.

"Wanna watch friends?" He asked. I nodded my head, I love friends! I haven't watched it in a while.

"Come here baby." He winked. I blushed. Weird huh, I haven't even been here for ten minutes and he was already starting to make me blush.

I playfully rolled my eyes and laid down beside him.


We have been watching reruns of friends for the past hour, it was seriously perfect.

Joel looked at me, causing me to put all my attention towards him.

"What?" I giggled. "You're so beautiful." "Thank you Joel." He didn't say anything but instead crashed his lips onto mine.

The kiss began to get a little heated, until we heard someone clear their throat.

I immediately pulled away from Joel, but ended up falling out of his bed.

I groaned and stood up to find Joel and Yoandri laughing.

I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at Yoandri.

"What the fack." Yoandri said. "Oops." I laughed.

"Joel! Please tell this girl to stop." Yoandri huffed.

"Nah." Joel laughed. "But I thought you love me, you said I was your baby." Yoandri pouted.

"Hell nah bro." Joel laughed shaking his head.

"I'm broken, I need ice cream. Where are my girlfriends when I need them?" Yoandri said in high pitch voice.

"You have no friends." I said. "Shut up." Yoyo rolled his eyes.

"Love you." I giggled.

"Let's watch friends." I said. The boys agreed and I was standing up from the edge of the bed, so I could lay down.

It was to late though, Yoandri was already in my original spot, and was hugging Joel.

"I stole your man." He smirked.

"He's mine back off." I said. He shook his head. "Yoandri!" "Ugh fine. Call me later baby." Yoandri winked.

"I will sexy." Joel played along.

I swear they're legit friendship goals.

Yoandri went to the couch, that's in Joel's room. He laid down.

I had my head by Joel's neck, I smiled at this moment.

After being interrupted by Yoandri, it still seemed to be a perfect moment.

Everything was going perfect.

So far.


a/n I know this is short I'm sorry guys, I don't know what else I should do, I will update a longer chapter tomorrow I promise! Btw thank you for 11k like the fack ? Lmao!! I love you guys. Please make sure to vote & comment (: - j

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