Chapter 29

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Previously: I grabbed my phone. I typed in the number but was interrupted when I saw a shadow, and someone whispered in my ear.

"Long time no see right?" It couldn't be. Why now? Why?


                -Selena's P.O.V-

I turned around, I gulped when I saw Blake.

"What are you doing here?" "Oh baby girl, I heard you were getting married." How the hell did he know?

"How d-." "Your best friend told me." Why will Ally tell him?

"Leave!" I was mad, this couldn't happen could it? No it can't.

"Oh baby, you know you want me." He grabbed my waist and was leaning in. I slapped him across the face.

"Get out!" I yelled.

"No. I told you I get what I want." I began to shake, what was going to happen next?

"No!" I cried out.

I woke up by someone hugging me. "Babe are you okay?" Joel asked. I shook my head.

That dream seemed so real. "Can you just hug me." He nodded his head and hugged me very protectively.

I was so scared, I was probably shaking, I was a wreck. That dream seemed so real, but it did make me think that we had to plan our wedding preparations.

I'll just  remind him in the morning.


I woke up with Joel by my side. "Good Morning babe." I kissed his cheek. "Good morning baby girl." He said in his sexy raspy morning voice.

"Hey what did you dream about last night?" He asked. I sighted, "it was about my ex he said he gets what he wants, it was just an awful dream."

"Baby nothing is ever going to happen to you, I'm here for you." He said.

"Joel I love you I'm so glad I'm marrying you." "And I love you. I can't wait! We need to plan our special day." He said.

I nodded in agreement, "Maybe after breakfast?" He suggested. "Sound good to me." I agreed.


"Okay so I want my best friend Ally to be my maid of honor!" I said.

"I want Yoandri to be my best man." He smiled.

"Hmm now that I think about it, I really don't have any other friends." I giggled.

Ally has been my only best friend ever since kindergarten, everybody else hates me for no reason.

"Don't worry babe, you should meet my friends girlfriends." He said.

"That will be great. But since when did those losers get girlfriends." I chuckled.

He laughed. "Everyone had one but I really don't know since when." He shrugged.

"Okay well we should invite them over so I can meet the girls maybe tomorrow for lunch?" I said.

"Yes! I think that sounds good." He said.

"Well you go and call them and let them now. While I go clean the plates." He nodded and got his phone out.


"Hey babe what colors should our wedding be?" Joel asked.

"I don't know. Do you have something in mind?" I asked him.

"What about White and silver?" "Yes. That will look beautiful." I said.

"Really?" He seemed surprised. "Really." I giggled.


"Okay well babe I'll let you know when we'll go to taste the cakes." He said. "Okay. I'll call you later on." I kissed his lips and waved goodbye.

We had so many great things, and I was actually really excited for our wedding.

I can't wait for our special date to be here, Joel and I have decided on telling Ally and Yoyo to be our maid of honor and best man over a dinner in a couple of weeks.

All that worried me now was how are the boys girlfriends gonna be?

Are they nice? Would they like me? How are they? Are they a circle group?

Maybe I was just stressing it to much, maybe I just ha to relax.


a/n I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I will be choosing the girlfriends tomorrow (: please make sure to vote & comment! Goodnight loves 💗

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