Chapter Two

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                    Selena's P.O.V
            It was finally after school. Thank god, because I couldn't take people giving me looks of sorrow. I walked off to meet Ally, as soon as she saw me she gave a hug, "How have you been?" "I've been ok. I just don't want to be here anymore, can we go?" "Of Course." She started driving and headed to her house.
       "Um Sel I don't know if I should tell you this right now, but-" "What did you do Allison? Or what?" "Okikindagotusticketstogoselabandaandyouregoingwithme." Wait what? "Alls please say it slow and calm." "Ok, ok, I got us both tickets to go se la Banda. And I need you to go with me!" "Ally I don't want to! I don't even know who they are." "It doesn't matter you need to go!! It will get your mind off things." "Allison. No!!" "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee" Ally whined. "When is it?" "Sunday." Great just a few more days.
            "Sel are you ready?" Ally came in my room. Today was the day, I'm going to see a bunch of hot guys sing and dance. Well according to Ally. I was wearing, wash out denim jeans, a black crop top, and black vans, for make up I decided on putting mascara, eyeliner, and blush. As for my hair I curled it, leaving it pretty nice if you ask me. Ally was wearing the exact same thing except she was wearing white instead of black. Friendship goals right?
         "Oh my gosh! We're going to see La Banda! Ay they probably look hotter in person!!!" Ally yelled as soon as we got to the arena. "Ya cállate! You are embarrassing us." I told Ally, she has been fangirling since we left my house an it was getting pretty annoying, but she was a hardcore fan, so can you blame her?
We made our way around the arena, Ally was guiding me to our seats. I notice we were in the front row, "Front row? How?" I asked Ally. "My birthday present from my parents." "Oh haha." Ally was the only child so she was pretty spoil. We made small talk with some girls there before the show began, but I really had to go pee. I told Ally I will be right back, she just nodded, I made my way, ugh I didn't even know where the restroom where at. I was looking for it but I never even saw it, I even forgot there was people around that I ended up bumping into a guy. "Oh my god I'm so sorry are you ok?" This good looking guy asked me. "Yeah." "Um I don't want to be rude but what are you doing here? This is backstage." "Oh I'm looking for the restrooms, I'll just leave." "I'm Yoandri by the way, I'll take you to the restroom!" He said with a huge smile. "Thanks Yoandri, I'm Selena." "Hey Selena!" He then started walking and I began to follow him. "Well I have to go but here are the restrooms." He told me while he pointed at the sign. "Thanks!"
He walked away and I went to go do my business, as I walked away it was just my luck to bump into someone. Again. "I'm so sorry are you ok? I should of watched were I was going I'm so sorry." "No it's fine! I have to go." I said while looking down. "Um can I have your number or something so I can make this up to you? I feel really bad." How cute. "Uh yeah." I gave him my number as he typed it out. "I'm Joel." "I'm Selena." I said while this time looking up at him. He was a tannish kinda of skin color, and his hair was at perfection and his smile was worth a millions of dollars. "So Selena maybe after the show you want to meet me backstage?" "I'd love to but I came with my bestfriend." "She can come too." He smiled. Ahhh. "Ok. I'll meet you here." "I have to go but see you in a bit." He smiled as he waved goodbye. What's up with these guys and leaving?
The show started and the first one to performed was Yoandri. He sang beautiful, and now that I think about it I met someone who is famous. Whoa. After Yoandri performed came someone named "Erick" which also sang beautiful. The 3rd one to perform was Joel. As he walked in girls were seriously crying and screaming on top of their lungs. He did his performance and killed it, he even saw me and smiled at me. I might of just blushed a bit while his performance. He sang beautiful to, but something about his voice just put me in a really happy mood. A total of eight guys sang and all of them sang like angels.
-After the show-
"So you bumped into of the guys from la Banda and one of them invited you backstage and I can go with you?'!!!" Ally screamed of excitement. "Yes but shh cállate." "Ay ok. Pero oh my gosh lets go!" She yanked my arm as we made our way backstage, where Joel told me to meet him. To my surprise he was standing there, once he saw me he smiled. Oh that million dollar smile. Gosh stop it Sel. "Hey Sel!" "Hey." "Follow me ladies, I'll be taking you guys where the other guys are at." We nodded and followed him. As soon as we walked inside we were greeted with the guys we had just seen performed. "Oh look it's my girl Selena." Yoandri said. "What?" Joel said.
A/N: I'm sorry if this sucked! I almost died last night and I have been scared to death. Make sure you vote & comment for more (:

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