Chapter 30

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Guys I chose the girls, I'm sorry if I did not pick you. I really am, but don't worry because I have another fanfic and I'm gonna need some roles for that; go check it out. Everyone is truly amazing and I appreciate everyone who voted and participated; y'all are great fans. And very dedicated. Again I'm very sorry if I didn't choose you, it's nothing personal or anything like that. I had a friend help me. Please keep reading this story because I may have another contest! Thank you lovelies for participating you guys are all winners; now enjoy (: winners;

@offficial_mariii // Chris gf
mussona  // Johann's gf
perla_arredondo  // Yoandri's gf
@la_vxle // Alan's gf
@raindropchelsea // Erick's gf
@helmetgirl123 // Zabdiel's gf
@gennywitha_g // Joshua's gf
@adrianamarieee___ // Richard's gf
@jaime_CruzRoman // Jaime's gf

     -Selena's P.O.V-

Today was the day. I'm meeting the guys girlfriends. I was hella anxious, but happy.

Happy that today I may make new friends, besides Ally.

Joel and I were meeting all of the lovely couples at a Mexican restaurant.

They all arrived shortly after we did, I met Natasha, Mari, Perla, Adriana, Genny, Chelsea, Lizbeth, Dallana, and Jesenia.

They were all really really beautiful, no wonder the guys went for them. Thing is why did they go for the guys? I slightly laughed to myself.

Good one Sel.

Okay I need to stop I'm such a dork, scratch that, I'm crazy.

"Hey! I'm Adriana, Richards girlfriend, so you're the girl Joel won't shut up about." Adriana giggled.

"He won't?" I asked. "Oh totally. He's really in love with you." She replied back.

"So Sel have you gotten to look at any wedding dresses?" Lizbeth asked.

I shook my head. "No! I really want to go look at some, but I'm worried about other things considering I don't know how to plan a wedding." I nervously chuckled.

"Girl we can totally help you! We can have a girls day, plan some things, go dress shopping, and hang out." Chelsea said.

"Really?" I seemed so surprise how fast the girls and I are clicking.

"For sure mate." Jesenia said.

"Hey Sel don't you think it's weird how sometimes Yoandri and Joel act more of a couple than with us?" Perla asked.

"Hmm well actually yeah. We should get even with them." I smirked.

"Heard that." Joel said.

Everyone began to laugh.

"Anyways we'll make arrangements then. Can I invite my best friend Ally?" They nodded their head.

Weird huh? We haven't even been here for twenty minutes and I'm already making friends.


"How did you feel babe?" Joel asked. "We all clicked to be honest. I'm glad I accepted on coming." I smiled.

"That's great, and you owe me now." He smirked.

"Nah." I laughed.

"So I heard you're gonna cheat on me with Perla?" He chuckled.

"Hmm maybe." I tried to look as innocent as possible.

"But you're mine." He glared.

"True true, I guess I won't..." "At least not yet..." I whispered very low.

"What was that?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nada, nada." I giggled.

"I love you weirdo." He chuckled. "I love you too, and hey I may be a weirdo but I'm your weirdo." I sassed.

"And I love my little weirdo." He whispered, he grabbed my waist and made me get closer to him.

He began to lean in, our lips were only millimeters apart, I could feel his breath on me. I closed the gap between us, placing my hands around his neck.

He pulled away after a couple of minutes.

"What will I do without my babygirl." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Question is what will I do without my Joelcito?


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter (: make sure to vote & comment!

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