Chapter 20

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This chapter goes out you guys... Warning: Smut chapter! Okay enjoy lovelies xx


-2 Weeks Later-

-Selena's P.O.V-

I still couldn't believe everything that has happened in 2 weeks. It has been amazing, being with Joel.

He's seriously a great guy. My mom loves him, she thinks he's some special guy. As for his grandma and mom approved of our relationship. They wished us luck on our relationship.

One thing I was glad he didn't bother me with was about sex. I still haven't lost my virginity, and I didn't know if Joel lost his, or if he's a virgin... Like me.

I was currently packing, for Cnco's tour. I was very excited to go on tour with them and Yoandri. This tour should be great.

"Hey baby are you ready?" Joel came in my room.

"Ahh yeah. Let me just get my tooth brush." I told him.

He sat on my bad and waited for me, I quickly went to the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush.

"Let's go!" I was so excited, I didn't want to wait any longer.


*at the airport*

"Yoandri hurry up!" I said very impatient. Yoandri has been trying to get some chips from the vending machine, for the past 10 minutes, which said 'Out of order'.

"Yoandri c'mon! We're gonna miss our flight." Richard told him. "Ugh fine." Yes! He finally gave up.

"Okay, guys lets go." Chris pointed to the direction we are suppose to go to.

We all headed towards that direction, probably looking like idiots, because we got lost a couple of times.

After a while we finally made it to our flight, we got on the plane, and then the intercom (is that what they're called?) lady spoke up.

"Attention all boarders our flight to New York will be leaving shortly."

New York here we come! Finally I was so excited to get there.


After the 3 hour flight we finally arrived to NYC. We have barely arrived and it looked beautiful, it was amazing.

We got in a taxi once we came out of the airport. After a few minutes of driving we finally made it to the hotel we are staying in.

"Hey baby." Joel said while wrapping his arms around my waist. "What's up." I giggled.

"Let's go to our hotel room?" He asked. I nodded and followed him to our room, the guys went to theirs. We were all in the same floor, but different rooms.

We made it to our room after everyone said goodnight.

Once we got to our room Joel closed the door and locked it, then he turned me to face him wrapping his hands around my waist, I wrap mines around his neck and he licked his lips then leans down to kiss me, I giggled before kissing back.

The kiss slowly turned heated I can feel butterflies in my stomach as Joel kept pulling my body closer to his.

He bit my lower lip before licking it asking for entrance I giggled denying it. He pulled me in by my waist making me laugh harder. He took the chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

My heart started to beat faster. I wasn't sure if I was ready for this. My body and heart wanted this, but my mind was full of fear.

Joel's hand started going up my shirt making my hormones go crazy, soon he started leaving light kisses down my neck.

We make our way to the bed and I drop down first before Joel straddles me, he leans down and goes straight back to my neck looking for my sweet spot.

Once he found it I let out a moan and Joel starts leaving a mark when he was done he looked at me in the eyes and said "Are you sure you want to do this Sel? I will wait for you if your not ready."

I was sure I loved Joel and I wanted to do this "Yes I'm sure keep going." I told him before kissing him again.

Joel continued and slipped off my shirt, I wrap my arms around Joel's neck again, I feel Joel's hand crawl underneath me and unhooks my bra.

He breaks the kiss then starts taking his shirt off as well, we started to kiss again then I flipped us so I was on top not breaking the kiss. I can feel Joel getting hard fast so I helped him out of his pants and he took off mine flipping us once again. Joel pulls away from the kiss then stands up looking around something.

He then opens a drawer and pulls out a condom. "Gotta be safe." Joel said and I giggle nervously.

I watch as Joel rolls the condom on, he looks at me before kissing me. I kiss back just as I feel Joel enter me, I gasp and Joel uses that time to slam the rest into me. "OUCH OH MY GOD!" I yelled at the pain, "Oh Sel I'm sorry!" Joel said whipping a tear I didn't notice away, he starts to thrust into me making the pain soon turned into pleasure since Joel was going slow and gentle for me.

I grip the sheets since Joel started picking up his pace Joel moves hitting my g-spot making me moan uncontrollably.

"I'm close Joel." I moaned Joel nodded then said "Me too." I reached my high and so did he.

We stayed in the bed, just laying down. "Sel..." "Yeah?" "I love you baby girl." "I love you too."

This was perfect. A perfect moment, I drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


A/N: Special shout out to my girl @Helmetgirl123 for writing the smut part (; anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this make sure to vote, comment, & share (: xx   & Y'all are fucking amazing! Omf I literally updated a few days ago saying thanks for 5k & WE'RE AT 7K ALREADY?? HOLY SHIT THANK YOU GUYS SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!

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