Chapter Six

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                      Selena's P.O.V

        My brother had yelled out my 'your boyfriend is here.' I was so embarrassed about that, I can just imagine how Joel would be like. Ugh stupid Daniel. I made my way downstairs and told Daniel that he was just my friend. I went up to Joel, "Shall we?" I said. "We shall." We went over to his car, he opened the door for me, and I thanked him. "So are you excited for La Banda today?" I asked breaking the silence. "Yeah haha I'm kinda nervous. There's  only 3 more nights to find out the band."  "I bet you're gonna make it, don't stress it!" I told him. He deserves it, I might of not re-watched all the episodes from La Banda on Netflix (idk if they have it there or not lol.)  And he has dramatically improved.

           "Thanks Sel. If I win it will go out for you, for believing in me even if we just met." He smiled. "No problema!" I replied.

             He drove off so we can go off to lunch. We decided to go to Subway, we ordered our things, as I was getting my money out to pay, Joel had already given the money to the cashier. "Joel it was my turn to pay!" "Nope. I invited you meaning I have to pay." "Next time is my turn."  He just smirked. I knew I wasn't gonna win, he did it last time at McDonalds. Our order number got called out and Joel being the gentleman he is went to grab our food. Once he had sit downed we began eating, gosh how I missed subway.

         When we finished eating, we headed back to his car. The car ride was very silent, Joel kept shaking and seemed nervous. I put my hand on his knee, "Are you ok?" "Me? Yup I'm fine." "Joel don't lie." "No I swear I'm ok!" Liar. "Ok whatever you say."

Joel's P.O.V

I kept shaking and I was really nervous, I was going to ask Selena on a date after Subway. During the car ride I began to shake, Selena must of noticed because she put her hand on my knee, I felt sparks from her touch. She asked if I was ok, I said I was fine but really I thought I was gonna shit myself.

         We got to La Banda's arena, after everyone's performance and the show ended, we all said goodbye, as we got out I told Selena I had to talk to her. "Go ahead." She said. "Selena we've hanged out a few times now an I wanted to know if you want t-t-o go o-ou-tt with me?" I stutter the last words. She looked at me like she was seeing a someone rise from the death. "Um Joel I have to go." She said while looking down and walking away. What? I knew she wasn't going to like me back or say yes. My heart ache, it broke. The worst part was my feelings got stronger since when we bumped into each other.
                   Selena's P.O.V

           He asked me out, I never thought he was gonna ask me out, I couldn't say yes. I don't want my heart to be broken again. Joel seemed like a great guy, but we've only hangs out a few times, I know nothing about him. My feelings got stronger for him since I met him, but I have to push them away. I called Daniel to ask him to pick me up, he didn't answer, which is weird because he always answers. Yoandri pulled up near me, "need a ride?" He asked I nodded as I got in. I told him my address and he drove off. As we pulled up to my house I thanked him and hoped off his car, I felt like crying and I wasn't going to cry in front of him.
       I went inside my house to find broken glass and ripped pictures. What the hell? "LEAVE ME ALONE." My mom yelled. And I saw my dad pulling her hair. "Dad leave her!" I screamed and tried to get him away from my mom. He didn't listen. "Leave." He told me as he let of my mom to slap me, he pulled me by my hair, "Don't tell me what to fucking do, Now go to your room." He spat.
       I ran up to my room with tears, I called 911 because I've never seen my dad like this. I told them everything that happened. They told me they will be here as fast as they can. I was so scared, like I've said I've never seen my dad like this, ever. I was going to call someone who I knew cared very much about me. I dialed his number, ring, ring, ring. C'mon pick up. Pick up.
A/N: more? Vote & comment! If I made a fanpage on Instagram would y'all follow it?

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