Chapter 16

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💫A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Song for chapter; 'They don't know about us' by One Direction I wanna Thank you guys so much for 4K reads! That means so much to me! I didn't think I will even make it this far, so thank you. Make sure to vote, and comment for more, enjoy this long chapter!💫
-Selena's P.O.V-
@Itsjoelpimentel: why can't y'all be supportive of my relationship with Sel? She really does make me extremely happy. Please don't hate on her!

@Itsjoelpimentel: Guys if you're really a fan, you will support everything I do...

@YOANDRI: Guys please don't hate on Sel, negativity and hate towards her is unnecessary, support my potato and Sel. Stop the hate!

Those were some of the tweets Joel and Yoandri have tweeted out. The hate was getting to me so much, why do the fans hate me so much?

I don't understand, I was getting so frustrated with everything. Maybe the fans are right. Maybe I am;





Not good enough for Joel.

I haven't eaten in about two days now. Why should I? I am fat.

Joel doesn't know that, no one knows that. I don't want him to think I want his attention.

    I was currently laying down and crying. Literally all I've done for the past two days. Joel hasn't come by because he was at the studio. I was ok with that, he's living his dream and I can't stop him.

     He will call me and I will lie to him that I was doing fine. I tried my best to make sure my voice didn't crack and broke down.

    I heard a knock coming from downstairs, I made sure I looked presentable for whomever this person was.

   I made my way downstairs and went to the front door. I opened it and was surprise to see Joel.

  "Hey what are you doing here? I thought you were at the studio!" Part of me was happy he was here, but the other part was scared I will brake down and cry.

   "Well I was. But I wanted to see my girlfriend." He smiled. I wanted to smile back, so I gave him a half smile.

  He frowned. "What's wrong baby?" "Nothing's wrong." I looked down, I'm not telling him. Nope.

   "Sel, you know I'm here for you right?" I knew he will always be here for me, because he's a great guy. I don't want him to worry about me when he needs to worry about other things.

"I know." I couldn't face him eye to eye, I knew well enough that I will brake down.

"Sel..." He lifted my chin up; where I met his eyes, they looked sad. "Babygirl, please tell me what's wrong."

"I-I c-can't-t." I stuttered. I can't tell him, if I do what will he tell his fans? Wouldn't the fans send me more hate?

The First Time // Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now