Chapter 24

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                    -Selena's P.O.V-

"Hello is this Mrs. Pimentel?" "Uh yes? What's going on?" "We're sorry to say this but, your husband, Joel, is in a coma." My heart broke. We're not married though, I wonder why he didn't change my contact name.

"May I ask what happened?" I asked "Your husband was in a car crash. We're surprise he's even alive." "Where can I go and see him?" "California hospital, room 102." "I'll be there."

I had sweats, and a tank top. I fixed my messy bun, and put on a random hoodie.

I made my way downstairs and headed out to my car.

*at the hospital*

I don't think I was ready to see him, I wasn't ready to see him hurt. You know when you love someone you're afraid to see them hurt?

I made it to his room, so scared to see what was behind those doors.

I walked in slowly, I hadn't even realized I was already crying.

I made my way to where I saw his body. He wasn't dead, but for me he seemed dead.

I kneeled down, beside his bed and began to sob. "Joel wake up. I know we haven't talk, or are even in good terms, please wake up, I love you."

I got his hand and kissed it. "Please." I felt my hand get a strong grip.

I looked up to see Joel slowly opening his eyes.

"Sel..." He whispered. "Yes... Joel?" I didn't look, I looked down.

"I'm so glad you're here." Oh you have no idea how I feel right now.

"Sel can I tell you something?" I shook my head. "Not now." I was still not making any eye contact. I couldn't.

"Hey, look at me." I hesitated but looked at him.

"Everything that happened at the party wasn't what you thought. Johnny confessed he drugged me so I will cheat on you, so he could get you. Baby girl, I love you, these 3 months have been insane without you." "I'm sorry.."

I felt a relive. He technically didn't cheat on me. He was drugged.

"Why would he do that?" I asked. Aren't they friends?

"He said he never got the girls, and I did, that was his revenge." "Sel I'm so sorry I hurt you. I didn't know how to tell you, and I found all about it two weeks ago. Take me back. I need you."

If only you knew I need you too. "I love you. But now is not the right time. I just hope you feel better." He let out a big sigh, but he knew it was true.

"I'll feel better as long as you're with me." He gave me a small smile.

Who would of thought all of this could happen? I love Joel, I know why he did that, and now I know he still loves me.

I smiled back. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Yes. Can you lay down with me?" "But wouldn't I hurt you?" "I don't care. I want to hug you. Something I haven't done in three months." I slightly nodded.

I gently laid down in the bed, not wanting to hurt him.

He wrapped his hands arms around my wait, while I rested my head carefully in his chest.

I listened to his heartbeat closely. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

I couldn't stop and think that I want to be with Joel, I want him to be mine forever.

I miss him. I miss his kisses, his hugs, his conversations, his voice. Everything, I miss everything.

One boy has stolen my heart and I can't seem to get it back.


a/n: I know short chapter but be ready for tomorrow's chapter (; lol I hope you guys enjoyed this make sure to vote and comment xx

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