Chapter 33

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Joel's P.O.V

I can't believe there's only a couple of weeks left for my wedding. Today is my birthday and I told everybody  I didn't want anything.

I didn't want any attention on me. I just wanted to have a quiet day with Sel, and just relax.

I was laying down in bed and then my mom and grandma walked in my room with a small circle cake with a candle in the middle.

"Estas son las mañanitas
que cantaba el rey David
Hoy por ser día de tu santo
te las cantamos aquí..."

"Gracias mami y abue." I smiled at them.

"De nada mijo aquí te vamos a dejar un ratito pero te alistas porque ay una sorpresa para ti." My mom said.



After an hour later I finally stood up from my bed and got ready.

"Listo mijo?" My mom asked.

"Yupp." So apparently according to my mom, she was driving me to god knows where.


She stopped at Sel's house. "Have fun!" She said and drove off once I hopped off the car.

Have fun? Well I always have fun at Sel's.

I walked inside of  her house considering it's our normal nowadays.

The lights were turned off so I turned them on. "SURPRISE!!" All my friends yelled.

"Whoa thank you guys! I wasn't expecting this." I was so surprised.

"Happy birthday babe." Sel came out of nowhere.

"did you do all of this?" I asked her.

"Maybe." She giggled.

"Well thank you very much." I hugged her.

"You're welcome. Here I got you something." She handed me a rectangular box with red wrapping paper.

I opened it and took out a shirt that said 'I'm Joel's #1 fan' and a picture of us, I chuckled and searched the box for more. I took out another shirt except this one was a white polo, and I finally took out a Rolex watch.

I gasped. "No I can't accept this. It's too much!"

"No! you gotta wear it because it will make me happy." She smiled.

"I can't Sel..."

"Please Joel it will mean so much to me baby." She whined.

"Okay. Thank you for this. I love you baby girl."

"I love you too." She said and then kissed my cheek. 

"Eww anyways happy birthday potato." Yoandri said.

"It's not gross Yoyo." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh I see you're trying to get lucky." He winked.

"Shut up Yolandra." Sel said.

"No thanks." Yoandri said back.

"Guys stop it! Let have some fun." I stopped the little argument they had.

"Okay" they said in sync.

I grabbed Sel's hand and I took her to dance floor.

We danced to almost every song, and I have to say this probably was the best birthday ever.

Especially the ending part. (;


a/n: haha hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter. Longer one tomorrow I promise!! Happy birthday to my babe Joel Oml I can't even 😩 please make sure to vote & comment & oh yeah THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 19K!!!!

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