Chapter 23

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   -Selena's P.O.V-
*3 months later*

You know when you're dating someone and you think you're gonna be with them forever? But then they end up screwing everything up?

It seemed like everything was going great, in fact I thought we were gonna be together forever. For crying out loud he gave me a promise ring, he promised.

But those promises didn't mean anything, those promises broke. I didn't think I could love someone so much, and then everything fall apart.

I thought he was different, but I knew every guy was the same.

I have been crying, I'm a mess, I have been for the past three months.

Joel broke me, but sadly I wanted him back, I needed him, despite how much he hurt me, I wanted him back.

We broke up. Ever since I couldn't keep thinking of the night he hurt me.


All the boys and I were about to go to a party that one of Joel's friend threw for him. We were all ready to leave and headed out to the party.

We made it in about 30 minutes. I was actually excited to party, considering I haven't done it in forever.

"Yo what's up Jo," A guy about Joel's height said. "Aye man." Joel and the guy did those cool guys hand shake.

"This is my girlfriend Sel, Sel this is my friend Johnny." Joel introduced us.

"Hey Johnny." I smiled. "Joel you didn't tell me you had a hot girlfriend." Johnny said, typical fück boy.

"She's mine." Joel glared. And I'm his. "Aye chill man I was just kidding." Johnny put his hands in surrender.

"Well I hope you guys have fun." Johnny said and walking away.

"Want anything baby?" Joel whispered. I shook my head, "let's just dance." I said. He grabbed me by my hand and took me to the dance floor.


Joel and I have been dancing for about an hour now. After a while he had to go to the bathroom, leaving me all alone.

I was in the kitchen getting some water, when I felt strong arms wrap my waist, "Hey Joel." I giggled.

I was turned around only to not see Joel, but Johnny instead. "Get your hands off me." I tried getting out of his grip.

"Oh baby girl, if only you knew Joel doesn't want to be with you."  "How would you know?" I sassed.

"Doll face trust me and if you don't, go upstairs first room to the left, you'll see what I mean." What the hell does he mean? I turned around and headed upstairs.

I made my way to the left door, I was hesitant to open it. If I open it I'll never be able to know what happened. If I open it I could see something that can ruin me.

I slowly opened the door to reveal Joel on top of a girl, making out with her. I knew every guy was the same.

I'm so stupid. When Joel saw me he smirked. "Oh hey Sel." He smirked at me. I wanted to slap that smirk off him. 

"You think I was that stupid huh? Guess what Joel I don't want to ever see you again, you're death to me. Stay away from me and don't bother to call or anything." I said.

"Ok bye. I don't care." Joel said like it's not big deal. I walked away with tears in my eyes.

How could he? After everything he promised, after everything we went through.

                  *end of flashback*

I cried at the memory, I wanted to be with him, I want to be in his arms. But it won't be that easy to trust him again.

I received a phone call, I didn't bother to see who it was, I answered it.

"Hello is this Mrs. Pimentel?"


a/n: cliffhanger, I'm sorry if it sucked
please bare with me lol I hope y'all
enjoyed though. Make sure to vote and comment (: -j

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