Chapter Ten

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    I want to dedicate this chapter to mussona lulubazan  recklesszabdiel
perla_arredondo xeliannax & I forgot to add some users it wouldn't let me :/ but thank you guys sm for reading my story since day one!

    Prepare yourself, this is gonna give you le feels & is gonna be long!
      It was about to be Joel's turn to sing, and we were all very excited for him. He soon came out, "Hola mi hermosa gente. Para esta canción se la dedico ha alguien...-"
                  Selena's P.O.V
      Joel had finally came out, "Hola mi hermosa gente. Para esta canción se la dedico ha alguien, Selena are you here? Can you come up on stage." What the heck? Oh my god Joel wants me onstage with him. Should I go? No what the fück Sel, his fans are going to hate you.

      "I think she's a little shy, on the count of three everyone star chanting Sel!" Yoandri all of a sudden came on stage. For a few seconds everyone began to chant my name. "Mija go!" His mom nudged me. Get it together. I slowly began to make my way up to the stage. Once I finally made it to the stage, Yoandri led me to a seat that was in the middle of the stage, I sat down and music began to play.

'I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul

I know that you are something special
To you I'd be always faithful
I want to be what you always needed
Then I hope you'll see the heart in me

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I won't let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Your beautiful soul, yeah

You might need time to think it over
But I'm just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind
If you give me the chance
I will never make you cry c'mon let's try

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I won't let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul

Am I crazy for wanting you?
Maybe do you think you could want me too?
I don't wanna waste your time
Do you see things the way I do?
I just wanna know that you feel it too
There is nothing left to hide

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I won't let another minute go to waste
I want you and your soul

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul

Beautiful soul, yeah

Oooooo, yeah
Your beautiful soul
(Ok ik he didn't sing this in the final or that they sing songs to someone on stage but let's pretend ok!!)

He stopped singing and I felt tears roll down my face. Yoandri, Jaime, Chris, Richard, Zabdiel, and Erick came on stage with a dozen of red roses with them. Each one of them came up to me and gave them to me, Joel then came up to me, "Sel I hope those are tears of joy haha, I will never make you cry other than laughter or joy, and I know I've asked you this. But will you like to go on a date with me?" "I will love to Joel!" I couldn't be any more happy. I went up to him and gave him a huge hug, well it was most of a bear hug.

Not just today has Joel proved me he isn't like any guy, but since he opened his house to me, he has showed me that not every guy is the same.

I looked around in the crowd, most of the girls where screaming and saying 'aww' and then their was those who wanted to kill me with their eyes. But I could honestly care less, I was beyond happy. Words couldn't explain what I was feeling.

"Joel eso era increíble! Y creo que estoy hablando aquí por Ricky y Ale. La forma en que cantaste la canción con emoción y que tenía sentimiento es lo que hizo tu presentación fantástica. Tú mereces estar en la banda!" Laura said. Joel had one of his arms wrapped around my waist, and it was pretty a strong firm, I can tell he was nervous.

"Joel my man, that performance you did was amazing! You have seriously grown since day one. Tú Joel tienes todo para estar en una banda!" Ale told him, "I agree, there is nothing else I can say, they basically stole everything I was gonna say." The crowd laugh when Ricky said that.

We were already backstage while Zabdiel was performing. "Joel thank you so much for that!" I hugged him once again. "You're welcome beautiful. How about I take you out to dinner tomorrow for our first date?" I smiled widely. "I will love to."  "Great! I will see you after the show." I nodded and was about to turn around when Joel pulled me back to him while grabbing my wrist, God I love when he does that.
He kissed my forehead and walked away.

    Joel Pimentel what are you doing to me and my feelings?

       We have been sitting down for about 45 minutes, Chris has been the first one to join La Banda, and Richard has been the second one. I was very proud for them, yes I haven't known them that long, but they are very talented.

        "El tercero en cumplir su sueño y ser parte de la banda es.. Eres tú Joel!" Alejandra said. Joel made it! He made it!! Me and his mom faced each other and hugged each other. She began to cry, along with Joel's grandma. This has always been his dream, he has been so nervous about making it for the past week. I am beyond proud of him.

      "Quiero decirle muchas gracias a todas las que me an apoyado nunca estuviera aquí si no fuera por ustedes. Muchas gracias, también quiero ha agradecerle a mi mamá, Abuelita y a Sel. por su apoyo. Gracias." Joel finished saying his little speech. He blew a kiss to the camera and walked to where Chris and Richard were at.

      The show had ended. Sadly Jaime and Yoandri didn't make it, it devastated me. They were very very talented, Joel even shed some tears when they didn't call out Yoandri's name, I mean how could he not, Yoandri is his best friend.

       "Yoyo you know you're gonna make it far. You have so many followers now, keep your dreams up! Don't give up!" I gave Yoandri a little pep talk. He smiled. "Thanks Sel! I appreciate it." I knew he is still going to make it big. Sooner or later he's going to be a great singer.

     I went up to Jaime and told him the same thing, for my opinion all 8 of them should of made it. Well maybe all of the guys who audition and got in should of won.

    I then went up to those who made it in and congratulated them. The las one I went up to was Joel. "You made it! I'm so proud of you!!" I said being 100% sincere. "Thank you! By the way I love that shirt." He smirked. "Whatever haha, I'll see you after your interviews?" "Yes! I'll see you in a bit." He said while kissing my cheek and walked away. My emotions were still everywhere, he makes me feel some type of way I've never felt before. Is it possible for a guy to make me so happy?


A/N: Ahh Jelena! OMG ok first of I want to say thank you guys so much for 1k reads! Y'all are amazing!! & second of all you guys should go request imagines on my new book (: Chapter 11? Comment & vote for more.

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