Chapter Four

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A/N: read till the end!       

Selena's P.O.V
         It has been a week since I met 'La Banda' boys. I haven't talked to them since McDonald's, I was expecting Joel to text me but he didn't. He probably didn't want to see me again, which can you blame him?

      It was now Saturday and I didn't feel like doing anything, I was currently laying down in my bed watching Keeping up with the Kardashians, when I received a message. I groaned, what now?

Hey Sel!

-to unknown-
Who are you?

-from unknown-
Oh yea srry lol it's Joel.

-to Joel-
Oh haha hey what's up?

-from Joel-
Do you wanna hang out today?

-to Joel-
Yea sure

-from Joel-
Yay lol I'll pick you up at 3, & just wear something casual! Can you send me your address?

I quickly send him my address. I looked at the time and it was 2:30. I only had 30 minutes to get ready, I was glad I had showered early in the morning. I quickly put some flower print shorts and a black crop top with black vans (Image above.) I left my hair down with its wavy/curly parts, and put some mascara and concealer, I thought I looked fine, once I saw myself in the mirror.

There was 10 minutes left so I just sat down and waited for Joel to come. After a while of waiting he texted me and said he was outside.

"Hey Joel!" I said giving him a smile. "Hey. Are you ready?" "Yeah! Where are we going?" I asked, I'm not a patient person so I needed to know. "You'll see." He smirked. Ugh. "Can you tell me please?" "No." "Joel you're mean!" I pouted. He gasped as he opened the door for me to get in the car, "I am not." I laughed at his reaction.
The car ride was perfect. We made small talk, and had a few laughs here and there.

"We're here!" Joel said as he opened my door. I gasped. We were at a fair. I haven't been to one in years. My parents stopped taking me and my brother when I was 7. My family has been kinda fading but I never really payed attention to it. "Sel?" He waved his hand in front of my face. "Oh sorry. I zoned out, I haven't been here in years." I said. "Really? Well this fair just opened up 3 years ago. And I've been coming here ever since, so shall we?" "We shall." I laughed.

"Hey you cheated!" I pouted at Joel after our game of basketball ended. "Nope, you got distracted!" He laughed. But he was right. I got distracted when he was shooting he seemed really concentrated and looked very cute. "I hate you." He frowned. "I'm sorry. Here I'll let you have the minion." He said while giving me the minion that was pretty big. "Haha what should I name it?" "Potato." (A/N: Yas lol) I laughed. "Ok, thank you Joel." I kissed his cheek. He blushed, and I did too.

After going on almost all of the rides, and having a great time, it began to get dark, we had to go especially since Joel had to go to La Banda tomorrow. We were about to leave when he asked the question I didn't want him to ask.

     "Let's go to the Ferris wheel?" He asked. "Uh no thanks." I'm afraid of heights and their was no way I was gonna go on it. "Please! I gave you my minion." "You can have it back. I'm not-" he grabbed me by my waist and put me in one of the seats of the Ferris wheel. "I'm gonna die." I told him. "You're gonna be fine. I got you." He said while he placed his hand around my waist. I felt safe. And I felt the same sparks from last week. But I couldn't, I have to push them away. I can't like him. He's going to break my heart, I know he is.

The Ferris wheel started going round, but suddenly stopped at the very top. "Oh my god. I'm going to die!!" I yelled out. I looked down and almost passed out. "You're fine. It's ok." Joel told me as I squeezed him tighter. It soon began to go down which I was relieved by. I hadn't realized I was still holding onto Joel, not until a girl younger than me came and said, "You guys make such a cute couple." "Oh we're not a couple. We're just here as friends." I told her. "Yeah. She's my friend and that's it." Joel backed me up.
                      Joel's P.O.V
         "Oh we're not a couple. We're just here as friends." Selena said. I backed her up with, "Yeah. She's my friend and that's  it."  But I wanted more than to be friends. This wasn't a date, I didn't ask her for a date, I asked to hang out. I will ask her out on a date when the time is right. Right now I just want to be friends with her, I doubt she has feelings for me, but I get major fireworks and butterflies in my stomach whenever I was around her since last week, and today. Gay I know, but it's the truth. "We should get going." I said. She agreed and we headed off to the exit.

          "I had fun today Sel!" "Me too. Thanks for potato." She laughed at the end. I went outside to open the door for her, and gave her a goodbye hug. Once we pulled away from the hug, our lips where centimeters away from touching. She pulled away and laughed awkwardly. Their was an awkward silent but then she spoke. "Well bye Joel. I had fun, thanks again." I smiled and went towards the drivers seat. As I got in I drove away.

When I got home, as I sat down in my bed I thought about everything that happened today. I really like Sel, and my feelings are getting stronger. I got my phone and texted her.

                     Selena's P.O.V
             I sat down in my bed, think of everything that happened today. I couldn't believe it. I was happy about everything. I then got a text.

                    -from Joel-
Goodnight 💞 I had fun today! Hope we can hang out again (:
                     -To Joel-
Goodnight Joel ❤️. And yes for sure! Just text me whenever!
               I was actually happy that he didn't see us as a thing, because I didn't want anything with him, even if my feelings and my heart told me otherwise. I can't fall in love. Nope. I had so many past with relationships that I know how heartbreaking and damage I will end up.  I went to go change into my PJ's and grabbed potato, I laid him on the other side of my bed. I smiled at how my day had gone.
A/N: hey beauties, long chapters for you guys! Bc y'all are great readers, by giving me feedback and etc. So thank you xx Next chapter? Hopefully by tonight if not tomorrow! Make sure to comment and vote. And should I start a fanpage on Instagram? Comment and let me know?

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