Chapter Eight

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            Guys I'm still doing imagines on my new book so go request (:
                   Selena's P.O.V
        I woke up by hearing laughs, what the heck? I slowly opened my eyes, to see who I'm assuming is Joel's mom and grandma, and Yoandri. Yoandri had his phone out as he smirked, did he take a picture? I swear if he did. Wait his mom was watching us oh my god. Joel had his arms wrapped around my waist tightly, and his legs were wrapped around mine. "Joel your mom is here." I blushed and looked down. "Joel!" I whined, hitting him playfully on his arms causing his mom to laugh.

He didn't wake up so I tried wiggling out once his legs were out of mine I kicked his legs, causing him to wake up, but falling out of his bed. I silently laughed, while Yoandri, his mom and grandma were cracking up.

"Well we will be downstairs, we'll give you guys some privacy." Yoandri said calming down a bit. But smirking at me. "Ouch that hurt." Joel said. "Ay pobrecito." I chuckled. "It's not funny." "You're right. It's not funny it's hilarious." I chuckled once again. "Oh you're so gonna pay for that." What did he mean? "What do you me-" I was cut off by Joel getting on top of me and tickling my sides. "J-joe-el st-top-p." I said out of  breath, "Say I'm the sexiest guy ever." "Wh-hat N-o." "Ok then I won't stop." "Ok-kay You-ure th-he sexi-iest G-guy-y ev-ver-" he finally stopped thank god.

"C'mon beautiful lets go eat breakfast." I nodded, but couldn't help and smile when he said beautiful. It made my stomach get a bunch of butterflies.  I  followed him downstairs. "Hola mijo quién es esta muchacha?" "Abuelita ella es Selena. Es mi amiga." "Liar." Yoandri said causing me to blush. "Shut up." Joel told him. "I'm just saying bro friends don't cuddle the way you guys where." He chuckled. "Whatever." Joel rolled his eyes. "Hi! I'm Joel's mom, and that's his grandma." "Hi I'm Selena." I smiled politely. "What brought you here?" I remembered everything that happened last night, I bit my lip so I won't cry. "Ma, no le preguntes eso! Tubo problemas con sus papás, y ha ella le pego su papá." Joel explained for me. "Lo siento mucho Selena. Te puedes quedar en nuestra casa por el tiempo que necesites." His mom hugged me as she said that, the way she said it, made me know she cared. What's up with the Pimentel's and their hugs that make me feel safe? "Muchas gracias señora Pimentel."

We ate breakfast and Joel's grandma kept telling me embarrassing stories of him when he was little. I felt so much better and comfortable talking to them.

"So are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?" His mom asked causing Joel and I to choke on our OJ. "No mama somos amigos nada más." "Si apenas nos conocimos." I helped him out. "Oh ok. Well Joel I like her so you better ask her out one day." She winked at him. I couldn't help but blush. "Aww she's blushing." Yoandri said while pointing on me. Note to self to kill Yoandri later. "I am not." I said looking down. "Are too!" Yoandri replied back. "Yoandri leave the poor girl alone." Mrs. P said. Thank you. I stuck my tongue out at him. Joel just laughed at us. 

           After breakfast Joel, Yoandri and I headed out to Joel's room. "Hey baby can you cuddle with me? Yoandri asked Joel. "Of Course mi vida." Joel played along. Wow friendship goals. I laughed at them. "Whoa is their something I should know?" I asked them laughing. "Duh. Joel is mine." Yoandri sat on Joel's lap. "Ah ok." I laughed. "Didn't you get my text? We can't be together right now, we need a break. It's not me, it's you Yoandri." Joel pushed him off his lap. Causing Yoandri to fall on his butt. I laughed and so did Joel. I laughed like their was no tomorrow. "Geez calm down." Yoandri told me. "I'm sorry. But you guys crack me up. Seriously I'm glad my day has started off good with you two." I was serious I never wake up this happy, well unless it was with Ally. But we usually wake up at noon. "Ay cosita." Yoandri said, I playfully hit him. "Ouch. Joel tell her to never ever hit Yoandri Cabrera." "Nah." Joel laughed.

                       Joel's P.O.V
        I was so glad my best friend and Sel were getting along. However I was embarrassed about the questions my mom kept asking her. I thought it was cute how she will blush and look down. "Let's go out!!" Yoandri snapped me out of my thoughts. "Where to?" I asked. "The mall?!" Sel answered but sounded more of a question. "Yes!" Yoandri agreed. "Okay let's go!" I grabbed my keys and headed out. "I call dibs on the front." Yoandri said running up to the front seat.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Feedback? Longer chapter tomorrow I promise!! & go request an imagine in my new book (: oh yea so I accidentally deleted the chapter. But here it is

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