Chapter 32: The end (part 1)

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 JJ's P.O.V

Alex and I started walking back to the venue before we started to hold hands. I smiled when I saw my parents before I let go of Alex's hand. We partied, eat, opened presents before everyone when to bed as I stay up looking at the stars, I looked over to see Alex sitting next to me. "Here, I got this for you." He said as he handed me a small box.

-2 years later- (A/N sorry I just want to finished this story)

I grabbed my phone off of my bed as I walked off the bus. The tour went around the world and came back doing another tour in the us. I hated there, Alan and Austin are waiting to get married, Dave and Blake got married, surprise. Andy and Jaden are still dating. Everyone seems happy but me. Alex and I talk still he is on tour with his mom. I walked off the bus as I played with my hair. I grow my hair out some I'm a ginger now, maybe more of a red.

"JJ." Austin said as I looked at him. "What dad." I asked he knows I'm not happy, I finished school last month and really just want to go home, really the last time I was home I didn't even get to stay here. "What's wrong." He asked. "I'm done, with tour, I'm done with this life. I want to go home and live a life without having a people right here." I said snapping before walking away. I usually sat in a tree, no one would bother me. All the bands stayed on the tour it has been cool and crazy.

I sat in a chair before someone calmed it and sat with me. I looked over to see Jaden. She final grow and she a beautiful young lady and there's me the red hair loser. "What up." She asked me. "Nothing." I said before I moved away from her. "JJ you have been pushing everyone away." She said before I looked at her. "Maybe Austin shouldn't have adopted me then." I said before getting down from the tree and walking off of the venue grounds. Alan hated me going on by myself but right now I didn't really care. I walked around for about 30 minutes before going into a small coffee shop and getting a coffee.

I drank my coffee as someone sat next to me as I saw Alan. "What's wrong." Alan asked me. "Nothing, can I be alone for a couple minutes." I asked. "Yes, but listen to me for a second, Austin is scared of losing you, he knows how hard it is for you being on the road and you missing home. You push us away and I understand that but there is only 3 weeks few, if you want to go home now you can." Alan said as I nodded.

Alan and I walked back to the venue before I started to pack. I left a few things on the crown bus so I walked over to the bus as I knocked on the door as Brent let me in. "Hey I left a few things in my bunk." I said before grabbing them. "Where are you going." Blake asked me. "Home." I replied. "What do you mean home." He asked me. "California, Alan is letting me go." I said. "What there is only three weeks left." Blade said as I walked off the bus. "Do not walk away from Jamie-Jay July Jackson Carlile Ashby." Blake said yelling. "I can do
whatever, I want to leave so I can." I screamed back. Blake and I start yelling back and forth between one another before both our parents and the bands came to see what's going on. "Bitch." Blake said. "Come at me, I'll show you who the bitch is." I growed. "You to stop right now, I don't care how started what the hell is going on." Andy B. yelled. "She is leaving the tour." Blade yelled as everyone looked at me. "Is this true." Austin asked. "Yes I'm leaving. This was funny the first year but I want my life to be normal." I said before leaving to pack. I got everything packed before I got a cab and left.

Blake's P.O.V

'My best friend left me.' I thought as JJ left. "Thanks you have no idea what JJ meant." I said to Alan before going to my bunk.

JJ's P.O.V

I finally got home to California as I got a cab to take me home to the band house before unpacking my things then going out and getting food. I got a call from Blake as I placed it on speaker.

Me- Hello
Blake- July I'm sorry
Me- It's okay, I'm happy to be home.
Blake- I'm happy to hear that, I have to go but I love you.
Me- Love you to.

I hanged up the phone before getting home and putting the food up. I changed into some clothes to clean it as I spent the rest of the day and night cleaning.

-2 weeks later-

I only had one week left before I got to see my family again. I usually sat around the house, or cleaning up or playing my guitar. I sat on my window seat playing on my guitar before I got a skype call from Austin. We haven't talked since I left, I answered it as I played my guitar on the ground and the computer in my lap. I saw Austin's face as he smiled.

Austin's P.O.V

I haven't talked to JJ as I got up and grabbed my computer login into Skype. I called JJ as she answered it. I smiled as I saw her as she grabbed her glasses to see better.

JJ- Hi Dad.

Me-Hello, what's up.

JJ- Nothing just got done cleaning the house, playing on the guitar Uncle Tino gave me.

Me- Nice and Thank you, Alan will love not coming home to a unclean house.

JJ- OMG do you remember last Christmas, Daddy freaked.

I laughed remembering what happened, the 3 of us had the house alone. Phil and his wife Noux were with her family, Aaron and his girlfriend on vacation and Tino and his girlfriend were in Argentina with his family. Alan went to the story getting food as JJ and I were trying to find the Christmas decorations. I saw JJ looking around as she saw my mothers cook book. "Dad, can we make cookies." JJ asked me as I nodded as I grabbed the last box of decorations and took them down stairs. JJ grabbed the cookbook as she went into the kitchen. I saw that she didn't finish her snack.

"Alan made you your favorite snack, why didn't you finish it." I asked her. "I was eating until I remembered my mother and how every christmas she make it for me when I didn't have school to makeup the times she has to leave to go work." JJ said. Lately she has been eating less it made me worry as last week, I called Blake to ask him why as he told me. "She doesn't eat when stressed or remembering the past." He said into the phone before Andy called him to dinner. I hugged her as I grabbed the plate. "Can please finish at least half the rest." I asked her as she nodded before eating.

"Dad grab the flour." JJ said reading how to make cookie before we got everything and started making the cookies before I got flour in JJ's hair. "Dad." JJ yelled as she throw flour on me. "Oh it's on." I yelled before the flour and eggs were all over the kitchen. "What the hell is going on." Alan yelled at us before there was egg on his face. I looked at JJ as she looked at me. Alan throw an egg right back at JJ as me and JJ teamed up and go Alan covered in. JJ started to laugh before we started to clean up as Alan helped JJ get the egg out of her long hair. "Daddy that's too cold." JJ said as Alan groaned. "I only can the egg out with only cold water." Alan said before he got it out before JJ took a shower as Alan and I finished cleaning up before getting in the shower together.

We got down stairs as JJ grabbed 3 glasses and the milk. "I got the cookies out." She said smiling as we ate cookies and decorated the tree.

Me-Yeah I remembered, I can't believe you throw an egg at Alan's head.

JJ-Yeah, miss that but hey we only have a week to see one another.

Me-Yeah, everyone misses you to.

JJ- Yeah, everyone texts me once day to how I am, I was worried you were mad at me for leaving, I just need to me home and talk to my mother.
Me- I understand, you need space and your a teenage, but I wanted to know if you could start looking for my mothers ring.

JJ- I think it's in my jewelry book, why.

Me- Because I'm going to give it to Alan as wedding ring.

JJ- That so cute, hey it's 6, I'm going out with Noux for dinner at 7 I have to get ready.

Me-Okay baby, I love you.

JJ-Love you too Dad.

I ended the Skype call as I saw Alan standing there. "I'm happy, you talked to her." Alan said as he sat next to me as he kissed me. "Me to, you know what we haven't done." I replied before I kissed him back passionately. "What." Alan said before I climbed on top of him before he smiled before laughing.

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