Chapter 1: New Home & New Father

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its the first chapter I know but it is a long one there 2 parts

JJ's P.O.V

My alarm clock went oppoff to Second and Sebring by Of mice & men "I love that song" I thought to myself.  I started to sing to the song" I believe its time for me to become famous, and out of  place. I believe it's time to move forward." 

Then Ms.Black the care worker that owns the boy's home and she is the only woman, I trust more then my mother. I have been at the boy's home for adout 4 years, so I am 13 years old now.

I came from a home in Colorado My parents divorced when I was 5 and My father died when I was 6. My Mother moved to California after his death, then started to hurt me. She in jail now because she tied to kill me on my 8th birthday.

Then Ms.Black said " Hello JJ, I am not making you go to school because someone is thinking about adopting you." cool even today is Friday I thought "Ok Ms.Black Thank you again for taking me in the home" I added. "Your welcome, be really by 10:30." "Ok bye" I replied "Bye sweet" she replied then left the room.

I have a room to myself because I am the only girl in the home. I looked at my clock and its 8:00 so I decided to take a shower. I take my bra, underwear, black skinny jeans and my Of Mice & Men shirt that was black with my black on black converse and when into my own bathroom.

After my shower I put to my clothes on and shoes then makeup. I do my makeup like Ricky Horror from motionless in white.I put my black contacts in then started to brush my hair into a goth style.  I go out of the bathroom to put my Motionless in White zip-up jacket on to cover my scars and self harm cuts that are a few days old.

I check the time on my phone it was 9:45 and the adopter would be at the home at 10:30. So I went down stairs to go eat breakfast.

I was the only kid in the kitchen eating breakfast then Blake Stark walked into the Kitchen.

Blake's P.O.V

I walked into the Kitchen for a bottle of water and then I saw her face. JJ is the most beautiful girl I have never seen. I toke a water bottle out of the refrigerator then open it and sat next to JJ.

I said hi and all I got was a hello. Then JJ checked her phone and it read 10:31 then she said goodbye then put her bowl in the sink.

Austin's P.O.V

I woke up at 9:30 by Alan Ashby screaming to a song. I remember that today I am adopting a girl for a boy's home that is 45 minutes away from the bands house. Shit it's a 45 minutes drive. I jump out of bed, got changed into what was clean, go down stairs to got my shoes on and something to eat that I can eat in the car and leave the house screaming to the rest of the band "Bye guys I might come back with a kid by my side" the guys replied "Ok, bye good luck"

I made my way the the boy's home in 40 minutes and now it was 10:31

I parked my car and when into the boy's home front part to sign in. There was a 40 something woman standing behind the front desk and I said "Hello I am Austin Carlile and I am Here to see adout adopting Jamie-Jay July Jackson." The woman looked up at me then replied "oh Mr.Carlile I am Ms.Black follow me to the interview room and get started." I followed her to the room for the interview with Jaymi-Jay.

JJ's P.O.V

Blake toke a water bottle out of the refrigerator and opened it and sat down next to me then he said hi and then I replied hello. I checked my phone it was 10:31 time for the interview with Mr. or Ms. ______. So I got up from the table but my bowl in the sink then said goodbye and when to the interview room with my bye black hair in my face. Ms.Black saw me and walked up to me and said "Mr.Carlile is maybe going to adopt you, good luck." I walked into the interview room and Mr.Carlile was sitting on the chair In front of me. I just kept my head bown and toke a seat.

Austin Carlile adopted a goth girl (Austlan Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now