Chaper 14: Hey it's okay

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Hey I hope you guys love the story and if you have been reading the story since I have been writing I deleted the dog out

Jaden's P.O.V


I looked around to find all of the house destroy. Fire, broke glass, and my black bunny was left. Me at 8 years old crying because of the family I just lost.  I heard a voice my grandmother's 'Jaden run and never come back.' That voice that was in my head for 5 years now. I ran with my little bunny in hand. I finally stopped at the river that my mother walked me to everyday. I looked across the water as the sunset looked at me like my mother bid. I cried and cried before someone found me.

Chris's P.O.V

I heard someone cry. I opened my eyes to find Jaden crying. I sat up to find Ricky awake to. "Should we wake her up." I whispered.  "Yeah we should." He replied shaking her up. "Jaden wake up you are having a nightmare." He added. She screamed them sat up waking up. She started to cry again. "Hey what's wrong." I said hugging her. As she cried into me neck, she replied "Why, why does her in my head still." "Who's voice." Ricky asked worried. "My grandmother's." She replied getting up and running out of the room. I checked my phone it was 5 o'clock in the morning. So I ran after her with Ricky following behind me.

Jaden's P.O.V

I ran out of the room and downstairs where my dag was. Once I got to it I opened it to find the black bunny I missed.  I heard Chris's voice ring in my ear. "What are you doing its 5 in the morning." He said walking up to me. I just looked at the bunny and replied "I needed to find this bunny. I never let it go. I left my family with no word." I finished and started to cry again.

I hugged the bunny and put it back into the bag. I standed up to find Chris right next to me. "You maybe left the old family but you have a new one, now." He said hugging me. "Come on lets go to bed." He added taking me up to me room before I fell asleep.

JJ's P.O.V

I stared at the floor before someone asked me something. "What are you doing you have beed starring at the floor for the pass 5 minutes." Jamie said. "I can't sleep I have been up all night." I replied looking at him. "Why are your eyes reddish/brown color." He questioned. "Shit it's nothing." I answered screaming snd running to the bathroom to put my black contacts back in.

I walked out of the bathroom to find Jamie, Mike, Josh and Ghost in front of me. "May I help you." I said worried. "Why did you scream 'Shit it's nothing." Ghost replied. "Like I said its nothing." I said getting a little upset. "Hey it's okay. No need to get mad." Mike said in a soft tone.  "Get mad you tell to stay come. I am pissed I have the ugliest eyes I cover them up because they remember me of the past and the past is horrible to remember." I screamed making Alan come running to me. "Hey JJ Austin needs you. He is out by the front porch." He said taking me away from the others. I ran to Austin and give him a hug.

"Hey little one what's wrong I heard you yell." He asked worried. "I hate my eyes. Jamie saw me with my contacts and now I am pissed off." I replied a little upset. "Hey no need to be that way come on. Please take the contacts out for me." He said pouting. "Fine, come with me." I replied running to the bathroom then taking my contacts out then putting them in my bag. I looked at Austin to find a big smile on his face. "I like them come on lets eat." He said with a happy voice.

I walked downstairs and sat next to Jaden at the table with everyone else.  "Hey I like your eyes still." She whispered to me. "Thank you." I whispered back. "Ok today we are going to pack up then we are going to play some games then sleep then go back to the tour." Kellin yelled. After I eat I packed up then helped Jaden pack her backpack and we finish in time to talk to one other. "Hey we finished packing do you want to go outside and talk." I asked. "Sure that would be cool." She said following me outside and seating on the front porch.

"So what do you want to talk adout." She asked. "I want to know you better so what's your favorite color." I said.

(Convention JJ is bold and Jaden is slanted)

'Neon Purple. You.'

'Blake. Whats your favorite song.'

'10 Miles Wide by Escape The Fate. You.'

'10 Miles Wide to. What is your favorite season.'

'Summer. You.'


After 20 minutes of talking we got to know all about one other. After everyone finished packing we played football, soccer and baseball plus other games. We ate dinner then when to bed for the long day ahead of us.

Alan's P.O.V

The next morning we packed the vans. Eat breakfast then headed your way to the tour buses. Jaden and JJ became like sisters. The fun think was that we are going to be on this tour for 2 years. 'Hey that was mine.' 'Will its mine, now.' The girls started to fight/play together. "Whatever Uncle Chris, Jaden stole my monster." JJ yelled. "Just share I don't care." Chris said. "Okay." the girls yelled then fall asleep. We played the shows got back to the bus then went to the next stop.

Hey sorry for the short chapter but I want to do one to day because I want to say Happy birthday 23 Alan Ashby and somethimg Bryan Stars. Words 1016

                          -Gothic girl

Austin Carlile adopted a goth girl (Austlan Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now