Chapter 22: 4 More Bands Join The HFTN Tour & Bands Problems With Busses

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HFTN is Hope for the nation's if you read the title and it confusing. I'm changing Blake's and  Jaden's age to 15 and leaveing JJ age the same, 12 and a half. Sorry adout not updating this chapter is a little long but just a chapter to have a little fun and be more harded on me. The song for this chapter is In The Dark I See by LIGHTS.

JJ's P.O.V

I sat down next to Jaden eating some breakfast as I remember the last time I talk to Austin or Alan 2 weeks ago.


I sat down in the back lounge as I helped planned the wedding as Austin came into the back lounge. "JJ can we talk for a minute." He asked sitting next to me. "Sure what's up." I said putting my note book and pen down. "I got a call from the prision your mother was in and they said that your mother was buried next to your father." He said looking at me in the eyes. "What no my father shound be buried next to his mother." I yelled setting up. "I'm sorry." He said setting up to as he hugged me but I pushed him away. "Leave me alone don't talk to me ever again." I screamed as I ran off the bus as I watched ETF play.

After ETF played Alan walked over to me. "JJ I'm sorry what happened early." He said hugging me. "Daddy stop leave me alone." I replied pulling out of the hug as I ran off.

***End OF Flashback***

I looked over to Jaden as she smiled at me. I smile back as someone came on the bus. "Hey JJ and Jaden I want you to meet some people." Chris said looking at us as we got up and when outside. I looked up to see We Are The In Crowd, New Year's Day, Crown The Empire and ISSUSE. "Tyler." Jaden and I screamed as we ran to him as we hugged him. "Hey girls." he said in a gayish voice as he hugging us back. I laughed as Michael smiled and said hey. "Michel." I scream as I pulled away from Tyler and Jaden and hugged him.

"What's going on." Chris asked looking at us. "We meet Tyler and Michael when me and JJ went dress shoping." Jaden said smiling as she ran up to her dad and hugged him. "Thats cool. This is my daughter Jaden and Austin's kid JJ." He said to CTE, WATIC, NYD and the rest of ISSUSE. "Hi." I said as I pulled away from the hug and walked to the bus door. "Jaymi what are you doing." Jaden said. "Its JJ and I need to talk to someone I havn't talked to in a few weeks." I replied as got into the bus and grabbed my phone. I looked throw my contacts as I found Austin and texted him.

***Convention (JJ = Me Austin = Dad)***

Me= Dad I'm sorry for not talking to you please forgive me. Where are you and do you know where Daddy/Alan is.

Dad=I forgive you I'm at the SWS and PTV bus with Alan. I love you to.

Me= Ok I love you too. See you in a second.

Dad= Ok see ya.

***End Of Conversation***

I ran off the bus as Jaden stoped me. "JJ were are you going." She said. I looked at her as ran to the SWS/PTV bus "I got to talk to my Dads. I'm a horrible daughter this past month." I yelled to her. Once I got to the bus I ran onto it as Kellin screamed. "What the hell you scared me." He said putting his hand over his chest. "How cares. where is my dads." I replied out of breath. "In the back lounge with Vic ." He said smiling. I ran to the back lounge and hugged Austin.

"I'm sorry I have been a horrible daughter this past month. I didn't mean anything I said. I just got angry adout my mother." I cried into Austin's cheat as he hugged me back. "I forgive you I should have be more careful and should have told you after the wedding." He said as he pulled my away from the hug. I looked over to Alan as I hugged him. "Im sorry to, Daddy." I said to him as he hugged back. I felt two other arms rapped around me and Alan.

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