Chapter 13: Waterfall in blue

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Hey guys I  hope you like the story so far.

Jaden's P.O.V


I looked around to see my mother have blood all over her face. Me at age 6. 'Mom mom' I screamed but she didn't replied. 'Mom what's going on.' i asked my mothet with bloody blonde hair. 'I don't know but please don't leave me.'  She said. But then someone grabbed my mother. 'Mom mom come back I need you mom.'  I screamed.

JJ's P.O.V

I woke up to Jaden screaming.  "Mom mom come back I need you mom mom." I rushed to her side waking her up. "Jaden its just a dream wake up." I shuck her good shoulder. She woke up crying. I hugged her as she cried on me for adout 4 minutes. "Hey what's wrong." I look up to find Jack from All Time Low. "I don't know I just woke up to her screaming. I think she is having a nightmare." I said looking at Jaden who was asleep again. "Oh ok just.wanted to make sure. Its 3 o-clock in the morning." He replied going back to his room. I fell asleep next to Jaden, if she started to scream again. 

Few hours later

I woke up again to Jack saying "Wake up breakfast is ready." I shoot up and ran to Austin. "Hey what are you doing running  around." Austin said hugging me. "I need to get out of this cabin and have fun." I replied hugging him back. "Ok we will take adout that at the table with everyone. Now go eat." Austin said handing me a plate.

I şat down next to Blake and Ashley. "Hey I haven't seen you in a long time." Blake said. "I know." I said drinking my orange juice. "Yep." He said before kissing me. I was shocked at frist but then I kissed back. "Hey get a room." I heard Alex yell. "Shut up you just need a better love life." I yelled back. 'Burn.' someone said. "Yea yea." He replied.  "Ok so we are going to the waterfall today, so after breakfast get your swimsuit and a change of clothes." Austin said to everyone. I finished my breakfast and ran up stairs with Jaden. 

"So do you have a swimsuit I can borrow." Jaden asked me. "Yea here." I said handing her my cat swin trunks that Alan gave me and a top to a bikkie.  "Thanks can you help with the top part." She asked worried. "Sure." I replied with a small smile. I help get her shirt off then turned around for she could get her bra off and put the top part of the bikini on. "Ok I got the top part on can to tie it please." Jaden said as I turned around. I helped tie the bikini then I got my basketball shorts on with an other bikkie top.

I had grabbed a change of black skinny jeans and a black tonight alive t-shirt. I put my converse on then toke my black contacts out to find my horrible looking reddish brown color eyes. "Holy crap I love you eyes." Jaden said looking me in the eyes.  "Thank you but I hate them." I replied looking down. "Why." She asked curious. "Because they remember me of my father. Who is die." I answered crying a little. "I am so sorry come on lets go and have fun with your new sister." Jaden said hugging me. "What new sister." I questioned. "Me dummy come on lets go." Jaden answered running out the door. "I hope you die going down the stairs." I screamed laughing. "Hope you come to my funeral when I die because of you." She screamed back.

I ran down the stairs as I ran into Alan. "Daddy how are you." I screamed falling on top of him. "Hey I am good but why are you screaming." He said. "Because I can." I replied screaming and running to Jaden outside.

Alan's P.O.V (Warning: Sexual contact)

I laughed at JJ running to Jaden. "They are going to be great friends." Austin said hugging me from behind. "Yep they are." I said turning around  and kissing him. A few seconds later he kissed back as he put his hands on my ass. We deeped the kiss little before he squeezed my ass, making me gasp as he put his tongue in my mouth. Are tongues danced with passion. I heard a voice. "Holy shit JJ, I found your dads." Jaden screamed making me and Austin split apart. "I got to go find my dads bye." Jaden said running off as JJ came running to us. "Can we go on I am die-ing." She said dramatically. "Ok lets go." I replied. "Yes, Jaden grab the sunscreen we are going to have some fun." JJ screamed running out the door.

I walked outside to find everyone ready to go. "Ok so we need to go that way far." Austin said pointing to the mountains.  As we walked JJ and Jaden talked and talked all the way. We all got to the Waterfall its was so beautiful. A beautiful deepish blue.  "Jaden we need to cover your arm before you go in the water." I said to the girls. "Ok but can JJ stay with me." Jaden asked worried.  "Sure come on lets go seat down." I replied walking over to a wooden table.

Jaden's P.O.V

I sat down at the wooden table as Alan and Austin covered my shoulder. "Do you want me to hold your hand." JJ asked putting her hand out. "Yes please." I replied holding her hand. After a few minutes they finish covering my shoulder and let me go in the water.

We all had a blast. Ricky and Chris treated me like there daughter and Josh fell off the cliff  that made everyone laugh. We all got back to the cabin and started a fire. "Ok so I guess this is the the perfect time to say something." Chris said standing up. "Ricky can you standed up." He added as Ricky standed up looking confused. Chris grabbed Ricky's hands and put them in his. "I love so much. We have the coolest daughter ever. I want you to be the person I wake up to every day." He said loving. As he got on one knee and had a ring in his hand. "Ricky Olson Horror, will you marry me." He said.

I looked up to Ricky crying. "Yes I will marry you." He said hugging Chris as Chris put the ring on Ricky's left ring finger. "Yea go dad." I screamed. As everyone laughed at what I said. "Get over here kid." Chris said. I walked over to him as he hugged me. I hugged back and whispered to myself "I can have a family, now." Chris kisses my forehead. "You have a family and a bigger one then you know." He said. "I love you dad." I whispered.  "I love you to." He replied with a big smile. "Go Chris." Josh yell.

I pull away from Chris and then hugged Ricky. "Come guys lets go to bed we have one more day here." Alex from All Time Low says. As everyone went to bed Chris and Ricky wanted to talk to me.

Chris's P.O.V

As I sat on the bed with Ricky and Jaden. I wanted to talk to her. "So Jaden can we look at your shoulder." I asked soft. "Yea but please be careful it hurts really bad." She replied worried. "Ok do you want to hold Ricky's hands." I said looking at Ricky. She shook her head yes as she put her hands in Ricky's. I slowly toke off her shirt then the medical tape and tissue.

I looked closely at the wound. It looked okay but still horrible. "Can I clean it up a little." I asked soft. She shook her head yes as she squeezed Ricky's hand harder. After a few minutes I finished cleaning up and re-raped the wound. I put a new shirt on Jaden and kissed her head. "I want you to stay with us tonight." I said claiming deeper in the bed. "Ok." She replied. Ricky sat the end of the bed as Jaden made her way to me. "Hey Dad come on lets go to bed." Jaden said loving and with a smile that was real and beautiful.  Ricky smile and sat next to Jaden.  "Ok we need to get the next so how is Dad and who is Daddy." Ricky questioned Jaden.

"Chris is Dad and you are Daddy." She replied laying down. "Fair enough goodnight." Ricky said laying down to. I turned the lights off and layed down as Jaden cuddled into me. (no what some people think like a father-daughter way)

"Goodnight I love you two." I said in a whisper. "I love you to Dads" Jaded replied going to sleep. "I am so glad we meet her. Goodnight Chris, I love you to." Ricky said before darkness consumed me.

Hey I need comments please. I want fan to help with the story I hope you love the Chris/Ricky are engaged and Jaden in the story. Words 1540

             -Gothic girl

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