Chapter 4: Mall for new clothes.

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hey keep reading.

JJ's P.O.V

I wake up to Aaron singing in his sleep. It was adout 7 so I got up and made breakfast for everyone. I made pancakes with cut up fruit. Now its was adout 7:45 so I decided to wake everyone up by screaming.

Alan's P.O.V

I woke up to someone screaming. I looked who it was, JJ screaming time to get up, I made pancakes. Everyone got up because of the word pancakes. The pancakes were amazing. "Hey JJ tour starts on Wednesday and we need to get you new clothes so we are going to the mall." Austin said to JJ and JJ replied "Ok but I only wear black clothing." "Thats alright we can do that." Austin answered. I got up and changed into a white t-shirt and blue shorts with black on white converse. Then when down stairs and watched Tv until the rest go finish getting ready.

JJ's P.O.V

I checked my phone on Twitter and I get messages like 'go cut yourself' 'fatty' 'Ugly piece of shit'. I grabbed my one of my razors and made 10 new cuts on my wrists. "Hey JJ are you ok. you have been in the bathroom for 10 minutes." heard Aaron say. "Yep I am fine I am just I changing and putting my makeup on." I replied. "Ok, just wanted to make sure because we are leaving in 15 minutes." Aaron answered. "ok." I replied. I covered the cuts with bracelets, bid my makeup like Ricky Horror, went downstairs and left to the mall.

Blake's P.O.V

I woke up to CC jumping on my bed. "What the hell are you doing." I yelled. CC replied "Waking you up because we are going to the mall to get you more clothes for tour that starts on Wednesday, so get dressed and get downstairs to eat." "What I am going on tour with you guys." I questioned. "Yes you are now get dressed." CC yelled going out of my room and shutting the door. I put on my black skinny jeans, Motionless in white T-shirt and a piece the veil jacket with black on black converse then went down to the kitchen to find Andy and Ashley kissing. "So you two a couple or what?" I questioned

Andy's P.O.V

I heard Blake's voice "So you two a couple or what?" Me and Ashley broke apart and looked at him. "Yes but please don't be mad at us." Ashley answered. " Cool I don't care if you love guys I use to have a gay sister." Blake said. "So we are a big happy family, and why didn't you say use to have a gay sister." I questioned.

"My sister and her girlfriend die in a car crash because my mother didn't not want a gay daughter and at that time I was staying at her house and that's why I was in the boy's home." Blake answered with a tear on his cheek. Ashley hugged him when his face became worried. "Blake why are you so skinny." Ashley said in a worried voice.  "My mother didn't feed me so when I got to the boy's home I never had a big appetite and that's why late night at dinner I didn't eat." answered Blake.

"Ok lets eat and go to the mall." I said. We ate and left to the mall but the funny thing is that Blake's has not told us that he kissed JJ and We are meeting up with Of Mice & Men at the mall.

JJ's P.O.V

We got to the mall and the frist thing we bid was go to the Journey's store and got me 3 pairs of black in black converse. "Hey, JJ we are going to eat something what do you want." Austin said. "Pizza" I replied with a smile on my face. "Ok lets go to the pizza shop." We walked to the pizza shop in the mall.

Blake's P.O.V

We got to the mall late so we went to the pizza shop in the mall. I walked into the shop and saw a girl holding a Journey's store bag when I looked up to see Austin Carlile walk up to my dad's and me, "Hey you made it come on we have a table for 13." Austin said. "Hey, come lets eat." Ashley replied. We at sat down at the table. I sat in between Jake and the mystery girl.

( The table at the pizza shop)

Aaron, Austin,  Alan, Phil, CC, and Tino.

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■  JJ

Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, Jake, Blake, and

"Hey honey want do you want to eat." Tino said to the mystery girl. I heard that deep but still girl voice "I think I want cheese pizza." the mystery girl answered. I looked up to Jaymi-Jay. "Jaymi-Jay" I said.

JJ's P.O.V

"Jaymi-Jay" I heard Blake's voice I looked over to him with a smile on his face. "Blake, oh I missed you." I hugged him then kissed him and he kissed back. "Holy shit." I heard CC say. Blake and me broke apart and looked down blushing.

"So you two a couple now or what." Andy said when Blake laughed. "Yes we are." I said in a serious voice. "What you two a couple sins when?" Alan said. "On Friday, and I love her and your or anyone will take her from me." Blake said in a upset voice. I smile when he said he loves me. "We won't tears you apart from JJ but just be careful." Austin said.

"I will never hurt her." Blake replied. "And I could never hurt him." I added. After lunch we all went to hot topic for t-shirt for me and Blake.  I got 15 new band t-shirt and 10 pairs of black skinny jeans. Blake got 17 new band t-shirt and 15 pairs of black skinny jeans. we went back to the Journey's store to get Blake new shoes. He got 2 pairs of black on black converse and 1 pair of black on white converse.

We got out of the mall at 5:30 so we all eat dinner at the Black Veil Brides house, when home and tomorrow we are going to pack for tour.

Aaron's P.O.V

JJ was taking along time in the bathroom so I checked on her and said she was changing and doing her makeup but she has her own room and bathroom. When we go home JJ went straight to her room and all of mice and men were in the kitchen. "Hey guys did you think JJ was off today." I questioned. "No, why do you ask." Austin replied worried. "Well when she was getting ready, she was in the main bathroom not the bathroom that is in her room." I answered "Maybe she forgot, I don't know let's just go to bed we have to pack to tomorrow." Austin said and with that we all went to bed.

Blake's P.O.V

When we got home and after of mice and men left. I went straight to my room. When I got to my room, I found one of my razor and made 10 new cut on my wrists and thighs. When Andy came in to my room, & yelled "Ashley get the medical kit" running to me he grabbed the razor out of my hand and said to me "Why are doing this to yourself."

Every one in the house run in to my room, Ashley had the medical kit. CC was crying, Jake toke him out of the room and Jinxx helped Ashley clean the cuts because Andy had a hold of me to come down. "Why are you cutting yourself" Andy questioned. "I do it because my mother and father abuse me before they died and cutting helped me with the pain. please don't take me back to the boy's home." I said in a whisper.

"We will never take you back you are your son and we love you and your uncles love you to." Ashley replied. "Thank you and I love you guys to like my dads and uncles." I said to them. "Promise to not cut again." Andy said to me. "I promise." I said to him. "Come on you are staying with me and Ashley tonight" Andy replied. I feel asleep in Andy's arms feeling loved.

Hey Blake's self harming came to be the frist time someone new but I am working on thing of Austin finding out that JJ self harms. Please do not self harm your self because you are beautiful just the way you are and people are just fucked up. Love y'all. Words: 1450

                                          -Gothic girl

Austin Carlile adopted a goth girl (Austlan Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now