Chapter 3: Decorating the perfect room and Blake's big shot.

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Blake's P.O.V

I woke up to black veil brides playing from my phone. Today was Saturday so no school. Ms.Black came into my room and saying "Hello sweet people are wanting to adopt you so be ready at 12." "OK Ms.Blake." After she left I checked my phone it was 10:55. I jump out of bed and take a show, change, and do my makeup like CC for Black Veil Brides. After my Makeup I checked my phone and it was 11:45, I got up and when to the kitchen and eat something small because of my anxiety. After eating I went to the interview room and waited for the adopters.

Andy's P.O.V

Ashley parked the car outside the boy's home and we walked into the front room. We saw a 40's woman that was walking up to us and said "Hello, I am Ms.Black you must be Mr.Biersack and Mr.Purdy."

"Yes we are here to have interview with Blake Stark." I replied.  "Oh yes follow me to the interview room and get started." She added. We follow Ms.Black into the interview room and started. Blake was right I front of me and I know he was the right kid for me and Ashley. He looked up at me with makeup on like CC.

"We are going to adopted you." I said. "What" he replied.  "We are going to adopted you, now go pack your bags." Blake run out when Ms.Black came in. "We are going to adopted Blake." I said to her. She smiled and replied "Ok let me get the papers for you, then you can leave." After signing the papers, Blake came down with a guitar case and a small bag.

Blake's P.O.V

I run up the stairs into my room and frist packed my bathroom thing with my razors, then my mother's black guitar and last my clothes in a small bag because my clothes are very small. I went down stairs to Andy and Ashley. "So I guess you know how we are because of your makeup." asked Ashley. "Yep, that's why I do my makeup like CC." I replied. "Cool, lets go." We arrived at the Black Veil Brides, when I see CC Run around like a 10 year-old and when he spots Andy and Ashley, he runs to us.

I hide behind Andy because I got scared but then Jake yelled at CC to stop. CC yelled "Why" and Jinxx yelled "your scared the kid" and CC look at me. I look down when a tear fell from my eyes when andy lifted my head and wiped off the tear and said "Lets go inside and get you into your room." I but my things up in the room and unpacked. Frist I put my clothes away then my mother's black guitar and second my my bathroom things and last my razors hidden in my room.

Andy walked into my room and said "Come down stairs to eat and meet the others." "Ok." I replied. Andy and me walked down stairs and in to the dining room. CC, Jake, Jinxx and Ashley all eating at the table I take my sit between Ashley and Jake. "Blake are you ok." "Yes, why." "because you're not eating." I look up and everyone is looking at me so I replied "I had a big lunch today, can I go to bed I am tired." "sure goodnight." I walk to my room and fall asleep.

JJ's P.O.V

I wake you to screaming and with my army reflexes in jump out of bed to find Of Mice & Men screaming downstairs. I changed into my motionless in white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a black misfits zip-up jacket with black on black converse, brush my hair and put my contacts in. I walk downstairs to get breakfast but I find Of Mice & Men dressed and really.

"Whats going on here."

I said. Everyone is looking at me now when Austin replied "We are going to out to eat breakfast, lets go." We all get in the van, eat breakfast then we went to home depot for paint. I got purple and blue paint. Then we go to a furnishing store. We got a bed, desk, nightstand, dresser, black bedsheets and 4 lamps.

We got home about 12, so we painted the walls in my room, eat lunch to let the paint dry, set up my bed, move the desk, nightstand, and dresser in, put all my posters up on the walls and place my drum sticks by the drum set Tino got me then put my guitars on the stands. We eat dinner in the movie room and watch movies all night long.

Hey 2 chapters in one day keep reading I will have an Austlen Cashby and Ashley a Andy  part up soon. Words 809

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