Chapter 24: Hanging Out With ISSUES and CTE

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Hey guys I hope you like the story. Long Chapter. The song for this chapter is The Glass Elevator (Walls) by Crown The Empire -Gothicgirl

~JJ's P.O.V~  

I woke up to someone yelling and jumping on the bed. "Get up someone made pancakes." Jaden yelled jumping on the bed. I looked at her as I looked over to see fully-dressed Blake still sleeping. "Okay I'm up." I said before I got up and grabbed black skinny jean, a of mice & men t-shirt, my converse and some bracelets with my make-up bag. 'Thank god my dads don't check.' I thought to myself as I walked into the bathroom and changed as I did my make-up. I walked out of the bathroom to see Jaden trying to wake up Blake still.

I put my make-up bag and my cloths I my bag and walked over to the bed before I scream "Get your ass up." I yelled lound enough to wake up Blake and scare Jaden. "Shit, I'm up." Blake said getting up and out of the bed. "I'm going down stairs." I replied walking out of the room as I saw Andy and David from Crown The Empire. "Hi." I said to them. "Do you just scream." Andy asked me. "Yep and I'm not in the mood to talk. Bye." I replied walking away and into the living room/ dinning/ kitchen to see every band on the tour. "Told you." Austin yelled at Tino. "What's going on." I asked them as Andy and David walked in behind me.

"I said you wound be the frist one down but Tino said Jaden or Blake was." Austin said as I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a water. "Okay." I replied before I sat down by him. I looked at the stairs to see a every tired Blake lean agaist the wall. "Blake." I said before he jumped and fell. I started to laugh as Austin looked at me. "What it was going to happen." I added. "I'm up give me a mintute." Blake said laying on the group. "What's up with him." Tino asked me. "Batman." I replied before I got and walked over to Blake. "Come onn get up." I said to him. "No." He replied. "Don't make me get you wet." I said opening the bottle of water I had. "Like you are going to do it." He replied almost in a daring voice. "Okay." I said with a smile before I dumped the water all over him.

"Holy shit, that is cool." Blake yelled jumping up. "Told you." I said with a smile as I looked over to Austin and Tino laughing there buts off. "JJ." Alan yelled at me. "What I yelled at him to get up this morning and I got him up." I replied with I love you don't ground me smile. Austin feel over in his seat still laughing as I shoke my head and laughed a little. "JJ have you seen my converse. I'm not wearing the heels from yesterday." Jaden yelled. I looked at Blake to see him go pale. "They are in the bus." He said before he walked to the kitchen. "No sorry." I yelled back lying. "K." She yelled.

Austin stopped laughing as I looked around too see some bands confused. "Hey." I said to them before someone walked down the stairs. "Shit." Jaden yelled before she fell down the stairs. "Jaden." Chris, Ricky and me yelled running over to her. "I'm fine. I'm a motionless-horror." She said standing up and walked to the living room/ dinning room. "She is one tough cookie." Chris said before he walked after her. "This is going to be a long 2 years." I said to Ricky as he agreed. "Thank you for helping with the wedding." He replied. "No problem. Can we please get me, Jaden and Blake into an online school. I don't want to be a drop out." I said. "Sure we are goiong to need to talk to your dads and blake's." He replied. "Okay. I'm going to get my phone and aa towel to clean the water up." I said before I run up the stairs and into the room I was staying in.

I grabbed my phone, earphones and a towel from the bathroom then ran down stairs and cleaned up the water. "JJ come here." Austin said as every standed by the door. "Hold on." I replied finshing cleaning the water as I put the towel in one of the 1st floor bathrooms. I walked over to Austin and asked him whats up. "We are going to eat come on." He said as every was getting in the vans. "By the way you are in the van with ISSUSE and CTE." He added looking up the house before I walked over to Tyler. "Hey." I said to him. "Hey." He replied. "My dad said I was riding in the van with you and CTE." I asked him. "Yep get in." He said pushing me in the van.

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