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*Your school outfit*

"Stick and move kid! Stick and move!" My trainer yells.

My opponent keeps throwing jabs at me but I dodge her each time. I throw a left hook to her body and it throws her off balance. I waste no time pinning her against the ropes and continue to punch her in the stomach. The referee pulls me off of her so she can catch her breath, once she's recovered the fight continues.

To be honest this fight was supposed to be over three rounds ago but my opponent just won't give up. She comes at me again it I deliver a devastating right jab to her face which causes her to land on the canvas. I stand in my corner and wait for the referee count to count her out.

She tries to get up but she can't muster up enough strength to stand back up. The bell rings and the crowd begins to cheer. The announcer steps in the ring and announces the verdict, "And the winner, by knockout is Y/N "The sledgehammer" Y/L/N."

I raised one of my fist in the air and waved to the crowd. I walked over to my opponent and complimented her on performance, "Good fight Cabello, you put in some serious work."

"Same to you. You've got a pretty deadly right jab. Keep it up." She replied.

I stepped out of the ring and made my way through the large crowd of people. Once I got into the locker room I took off my gloves and unwrapped my hands. I reached into my gym bag and pulled out a picture of my mom. "Another for the books Ma. I sure do wish you were here." I quietly whispered.

"She's always watching Y/N, even though you can't see her she's always here." My older sister said.

"I know Reese. It's not the same without her." I replied.

Reese patted me on the shoulder and said, "It's alright buddy. Now hurry up and shower so we can get home."

I grabbed my body wash and towel and hit the showers. Once I was done I dried myself off and change into my sweatsuit and put on my beanie. When I stepped out for the locker room I was greeted by a few of my 'fans' that wanted to take selfies with me. I was finally reunited with my dad and he gave me one of his warm hugs. "I'm proud of kid you did good."

"Thanks dad. Now can we go home I'm really tired."


5:00 am. Every morning I wake up at 5:00 am to to go jogging around my neighborhood. My dad is usually up getting ready for work and Reese is still asleep. I do my stretches and began jogging around the neighborhood. After I did my running I jogged back home so I could get ready for school. I'm halfway through the first semester and I'm ready to get the hell out of there.

Hopefully my sister was still asleep so I could get in the bathroom before she did. "Good morning Y/N." Mrs. Carter said.

"Morning Mrs. Carter, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine congratulations on winning last night, I know your mom would've been proud of you." She replied.

I swear every time someone mentions my mom I get sad. I know it's been almost a year since she passed away but that shit still hurts. Mrs. Carter gave a hug and said, "It's alright sweetie I know how you feel. Remember if you ever want to talk I'm right across the hall."

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