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"You didn't know? Sir your daughter was one month pregnant." Dr. Patel said.

"None of us knew." I said.

"She lost my baby?" Marcus asked.

I turned around and punched Marcus in the face twice before he hit the ground. "You fucking douchebag! You had my sister moving dope for you while she carrying a child. Thanks to your stupid ass my little niece or nephew is gone!" I said before punching him again.

"Y/N I'm sorry I didn't mean for this happen." Marcus said.

"I want you to listen to me and I want you to listen to me good. Stay the hell away from my sister. If I catch you around my family again, you're dead." I said.

Marcus wiped the blood off his lip and said, "That's not your decision to make. I love your sister and she loves me. Matter a fact we're getting married."

I was done dealing with this irrelevant ass bitch I went and asked the doctor which room my sister so I could go see her. When I walked into Reese's room she was laying there staring out the window looking at the stars. I sat in the chair next to her and gently tapped her on the hand. "Reese it's me, Y/N." I said.

"I know who you are doofus." Reese said.

"Right. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Considering the fact I got shot and miscarried...I'm doing okay." Reese said.

I could see Reese getting emotional when she mentioned the miscarriage so I didn't bother her anymore about it. Honestly it makes me sad knowing that my I wasn't going to get a chance to meet my future niece or nephew. I reached forward and grabbed Reese's hand and gave it a squeeze. Even though my sister and I fight we're always there for each other when times are tough.

"Y/N it was scary. It was really dark and cold. I felt all alone then things got better." Reese said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You're not going to believe me." Reese said.

"Try me." I said.

Reese slowly turned on her side so she could look directly me. I scooted my chair closer to the bed and Reese intertwined our fingers. "Tell me what happened." I said.

"I saw mom. She looked so pretty and she had on all white and she had this beautiful glow around her. I was scared at first but she told me that everything was okay and that she was here to help me." Reese said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep. I apologized for being such a pain in the ass and arguing with her all the time. Then she told me that I need to makes some changes in my life and start doing the right thing. So as of right now Marcus is gone." Reese said.

I giggled and said, "I've been telling you that for a long time that you should dump that fool. But I guess you needed to hear it from mama."

"Right. Then she was like we have to take care of dad because he has a lot on his plate and we don't need to stress him out. But dad isn't going to struggle anymore and he's going to be able to take care of us with no problem. Y/N talking to mom was better than any dream I've ever had." Reese said.

"Did she say anything about me?" I asked.

Reese started coughing and she pointed at the pitcher of water on the table, I poured her some in a paper cup then handed it to her. She took a few sips of it and handed the cup to me.

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