Mother's Day

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"Y/N you ready to go?" Dinah asked.

I zipped up the zipper on my leather jacket and nodded my head. Dinah as I held hands and I walked out the room. We got into the car and began driving to the cemetery to meet my dad and Reese. This is the first Mother's Day I'll be spending without my mother and I don't know how to deal with it. I asked Dinah to come with me so she could be there for support.

"Baby are you okay?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah I'm alright." I said.

Dinah rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb while she drove. I stayed quiet the whole time because I was super nervous about seeing my mother's grave. The last time I saw it was at her funeral and that almost killed me. But I honestly haven't accepted the fact that she's gone. I still think that someday my mom is going to just pop up and be like "Hey Y/N I'm back you don't have to cry anymore. Mama's here."

Dinah parked her car behind my father's car and parked it. I grabbed the bouquet of petunias from the backseat and took a long deep breath. I got out the car and walked over to my sister and gave her a hug. My dad hugged me and said, "Hey princess you look beautiful today."

"Thanks dad. Dinah pick out my outfit for me." I said.

"You did good Dinah." Pops said.

We started walking through the cemetery to where my mother was buried. The closer we got the more my stomach began to ache. Finally Reese and my dad came you to stop, in front of my mother's grave. I quickly turned around and Dinah pulled me in for a hug. "Dinah I can't do it. I just can't. I don't want to let her go." I said.

"Shh it's okay I got you." Dinah said.

"She can't be gone, she just can't." I said as I cried into Dinah's chest.

Dinah cupped my face in her hands and wiped my tears away with her thumb. For a moment I had stopped crying but once I heard my dad getting emotional talking to my mom I started crying again. All of the emotions were too much for me to handle so I went and got back into the car. I put the flowers on the dashboard and cried my eyes out. Dinah got back in the car and held my hand. "Dinah she's supposed to be here with us. You're supposed to be meeting her at a Sunday dinner not talking to a fucking tombstone." I said.

"Baby I know it's hard but let it go. Just let it all go." Dinah said.

"Dinah I miss her so much. I miss talking to her, I miss the pep talks she used to give me before a fight, and I missed how she used to hug me when I was upset and tell me that everything was going to be okay. You still have your mom my mom is dead. That bastard killed my mom but he still has his mom. He gets to see his mother on a regular basis me, what do I get? I have to look at a photograph when I want to see my mother's face. It's not fair Dinah." I said.

"Remember the good times you had with her. What's your absolute favorite memory of your mom?" Dinah asked.


"Y/N come sit down do I could go your hair." Mom said.

"Yes ma'am." I said as I sat on the floor between her legs.

I took my hair out of the messy ponytail and my mother took the comb and carefully began detangling my hair. She applied some moisturizer to my hair then parted it down the middle. My mom put the left side of my hair out the way so she could begin braiding the right side. "You nervous babygirl?" Mom asked.

"A little bit. This is my first fight and I really want to make you and dad proud, especially dad." I said.

"Oh you will definitely make us proud. You just go out there and give it your all and most importantly have fun." Mom said.

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