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A black suburban with tinted windows pulled up right where I was. A hand holding a gun came out of the window and pointed it directly at me. I didn't say anything and I didn't make any sudden movements. My mind was telling me to run but my feet didn't seem to get the message. "Listen.... I don't want any trouble, just tell me what you want and I'll do it. Just please don't kill me." I begged.

The hand went back into the car and the window rolled down all the way. "I wish you could've seen the look on your face just now." Reese said.

When I recognized my immature sister's voice I relaxed a little. Now this bitch has taken childish to a whole new level. "Why the hell would you do something like that?" I asked.

"To scare your little bitch ass. That's what you get for breaking my damn nose." Reese said.

"You deserved it. You shouldn't have said what you said. This beef between us is stupid and you need to let it go." I said.

"Yeah whatever. Why was Tori leaving the house this time of morning?" Reese asked.

"She spent the night." I said.

Reese got out of the truck and told Marcus to get lost. We went up to our apartment and Reese dragged me to our room. I sat down on my bed and Reese sat on hers. "Help me understand why Tori spent the night if Dinah's your girl." Reese said.

"Dinah's not my girl anymore. She bought me a bunch of shit then after school I find her eating Kendall Jenner out." I said.

"Ohh I get it Tori came over and popped that pussy for you one time so you could feel better." Reese said.

I sat up against the wall and said, "Well that's not the case. Tori came over and things got heated, we started and kissing and touching on each other. Which felt really good by the way. Clothes started coming off and before it went too far I stopped."

"Why would you do that?" Reese asked.

"I'm not ready for sex and I was thinking about Dinah the whole time." I said.

"I think about Channing Tatum while I'm fucking sometimes but I don't let that stop me from getting my freak on." Reese said.

This is why I can't tell Reese anything.

"Let me break it down for you right quick, Tori is finer than baby hair. She was willing to give you the booty without a commitment and you turned it down. Literally the booty was in your lap and you pushed it away." Reese said.

"Reese I don't want Tori's booty I want Dinah's." I got off my bed and sat next to Reese.

"I really like Dinah, more than I've liked anyone else. I want to be with her but she can't seem to let go of her fuckgirl ways." I said.

"Dinah fucked up, whoopty fucking Doo. People mess up all the time but everyone deserves a second chance." Reese said.

"I don't want to give Dinah a chance just so she can break my heart again." I said.

"Girl shut up, you know you want Dinah. Just give her another chance, who knows things might actually work out this time." Reese said.

I rolled my eyes and began playing with my hair. Dinah had her chance with me and she blew it. So from now on I'm gonna spend my time with someone who I can trust, Tori. I already asked her to go to homecoming with me so who knows where things can go from there. "Listen Y/N, I just want to apologize for saying all those mean things to you and hitting you the other day, that shit wasn't cool." Reese said.

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