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Another night spent in this wonderful hospital and to be honest I'm sick of it. Everyday it's the same shit. Checking my vitals, telling me that I can wake up whenever I get ready, and Dr. Clarke's strong ass perfume. The only thing that makes it bearable is hearing my beautiful girlfriend's voice when she comes to see me.

Dinah didn't stay that long today because she had to go home and help her mom with the kids. I couldn't be mad at my baby be wise she's been her with me ever step of the way. But when all of this is over I've got something really special planned for Dinah and she's going to remember this surprise for the rest of her life.

Reese has spent her entire Saturday with me making sure that I didn't get bored. Reese kept me entertained by telling me about all the times Tori and her have had sex. Like I really wanted hear that. The other person I care about having sex with is my baby, Dinah Jane. I was doing fine until I heard that asshole Marcus's voice.

"Reese if we're going to take care of that problem we need to leave now." Marcus said.

"Alright give me a minute, I need to talk to my sister." Reese said.

I couldn't feel Reese holding one of my hands and she started caressing my forehead.

"I had Marcus and his boys do a little digging for me. And guess what he found out? That no good sleazy bastard Big Rob was the one that hit you. So here's what's going to happen before he has the chance to hurt you again, I'm going to kill him. I got my gun and I'm ready to go. After tonight he's not going to be able to hurt you. " Reese said.

"Y-You ain't d-d-doing shit."

"What do you mean I ain't..." Reese said.

I don't know where this surge of energy came from but I see every ounce of it. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head so I was looking at Reese. My eyes were a little blurry so I rubbed them a few times. Once my eyes were clear I grabbed Reese's hand and she started yelling, "She's awake! She's awake!"

Dr. Clarke rushed in and said, "Y/N it's nice of you to join us."

"You're my doctor?" I asked.

"Yes I am. You seem a little shocked." Dr. Clarke said.

"I am. You fine as hell. You kinda look like my girl Dinah." I said.

Dr. Clarke walked over to me and shook my hand. She turned around for a brief moment and did something to one of my machines. The ass that this woman had was just amazing. I was so tempted to smack it but I didn't.

"You got a husband?" I asked.

"No Y/N I don't have a husband." Dr. Clarke said.

"You want one, because I volunteer as tribute." I said.

Dr. Clarke began laughing then she asked, "How are you feeling Y/N?"

"Well my ribs hurt a little and this cast is kinda irking my nerves a little bit but other than that I feel pretty good." I said.

Dr. Clarke reached into the pocket of her lab coat and pulled out one of those reflex hammers. This is the part I'm a little scared of. Before I slipped into a coma Clarke said I may never walk again, hopefully something happened in those three weeks that gave me the feeling back in my legs. Clarke tapped my left leg and I bent my knee and wiggled my toes. She did the same on my right leg but I couldn't move it that much because my right leg had a cast on it. But I could wiggle all of my toes.

"Does this mean I can walk again?" I asked.

"Yes you can walk again Y/N. But you're gonna have to undergo some serious physical therapy to get your legs strong like they used to be." Dr. Clarke said.

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