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Another day in this hospital but on the bright side I'm glad to be here and not six feet under. Also the doctors have given me the okay to go home. Doctor Clarke says that she has to take care if a few more things for me then I can go home.

I got the cast taken off my leg this morning and it feels weird. My right leg is all muscular and stuff but my left leg looks like a chicken's leg. The doctor said that was normal but once I start my physical therapy I'll get the strength back in my legs.

Since I've had a lot of free time on my hands lately I've used it to get caught up on all that schoolwork I missed. My teachers all tried to tell me that it was okay and that they would cut me some slack. But I didn't want that. Just because certain parts of my body don't work doesn't mean that my brain isn't working. So in the afternoons when Dinah and the girls come to visit they bring my homework and we do it together.

From what I've by hearing Lauren's been on the right track since our little talk. Her parents have let her move back in and she's agreed to go to counseling. Lauren says she has those days where she feels like giving up but I remind her that she's not going through it alone.

For the third time today nurse Patricia has come in to check my vitals and made sure that I was okay. That's one of the main things that irks me about being in a hospital, every time I attempt to relax some is always coming in to check on me. Like dude, let me chill in peace.

"Y/N it's me." Someone said from outside my door.

"Umm yep I don't know you. Go away." I said.

"It's your bestest boxing buddy in the whole wide world."

I sat up and said, "Hailee get your ass in here."

Hailee Steinfeld, I met her about a year ago at a boxing match. I kicked her ass and somehow afterwards we became best friends. Hailee is the third best fighter in our division, I'm second and Zendaya's number one. But once I beat Zendaya I'll be number one.

"Oh my gosh Y/N, how's your junk?" Hailee asked.

"My junk is fine. My legs are a little sore but I'll be alright." I said.

Hailee put the flowers and get well card on the table with the rest of my stuff then sat down next to my bed. "When I heard about what happened to you I was in a state of shock. Then I heard you slipped into a coma, I just had to come see about you." Hailee said.

"Well I'm glad you came to see me. How are you though? You won anymore fights?" I asked.

"I'm pretty good I've one my last three fights. Got a pretty good shot at going pro. I actually have a fight next month." Hailee said.

"Who are you up against?" I asked.

"The biggest shit talker in our division, Zendaya." Hailee said.

How come everything I hear Zendaya's name I just want to yank my edges out? One of these days she's going to go against someone a little bit better than her and they are going to give her a dose of her own medicine. And I can't wait until that day comes.

"I will definitely be there to watch you put a beating on Zendaya. If anybody can take her it's you." I said.

"Thanks Y/N. But ever since you've been on the hospital Zendaya's been running her mouth saying that your boxing days are over and that she's the reigning champion." Hailee said.

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