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Since I have a gun I feel safer walking down the street in my neighborhood. It's been two days and thing have been calm, well that's what I'd like to think. I haven't seen any strange cars parked in front of my building and no one follows me when I'm walking around the neighborhood. We haven't had school in two days because of bad weather which is perfect for me because to get to spend extra time with Dinah and the girls.

Normani and Lauren came by this morning to hang out for awhile and get ahead on some school work. We also talked about how Normani managed to break Kendall's jaw. Yep you heard me right, Normani Hamilton is known around the school as The Jawbreaker. I bet Kendall won't be running her mouth causing problems anymore. After they left I helped my dad do some work around the house and took a nap.

"Y/N wake up." Reese said.

"No." I said.

I rolled over and laid on my stomach. "Y/N, I got a question now wake the hell up."

I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes and sat up. Reese was standing over me  with her hands on her hips. "What is your question?" I asked.

"Do these jeans make my ass look big?" Reese asked.

"I should kick your ass for waking me up out of my nap for some bullshit like that. Yes they make your ass look big, now leave me the fuck alone." I said.

"Shut up you know you love me." Reese said.

"Sometimes I love you, sometimes I wish you'd get hit by a garbage truck." I said.

"Whatever. Bye big head." Reese said before walking out.

I hate not being able to go back to sleep after I've been awakened from my nap. I tossed and turned for a few minutes then I decided to get up and get something to eat. My box of Fruit Loops was calling my name so that's what I picked, but we didn't have any milk. It was freezing cold outside but I didn't give a damn I wanted my fruit loops. So I put on some jeans and a flannel then my leather jacket and a beanie.

I got down on my knees and looked under the bed for my safe box. I lost the key a long time ago so I used an old bobby pin to pick the lock. I took my gun out of the box and put it in the waistband of my jeans. Once I fixed my clothes to hide the print of the gun I was ready to go. When I stepped outside I was met by a strong rush of cold air, even though I had on multiple layers of clothing I was freezing. I'm pretty sure my nipples could key somebody's car that's how cold it was.

I walked to the nearby corner store and got a gallon of milk and a bag of skittles. When I walked out of the store and turned the corner a rough hand covered my mouth and dragged me into an alleyway. I dropped my bag as I struggled to get out of the man's grasp. Another guy came from behind him and rolled up his sleeves.

"So you wanna run your mouth to cops huh? I'm gonna show you what happens to little girls that run their mouths too much."

The guy that was holding hand his hand placed over my mouth put me in a chokehold. I was trying to pry his arm way from my neck, "You killed my sister, you bastard."

The man know as Slim chuckled and punched repeatedly in my stomach.  Each hit was stronger than the one before it. Slim punched me in my left eye then he punched me directly in my nose. "You don't look so tough anymore kid." Slim said.

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