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"Babygirl I got a question."

"Ask away Y/N." Dinah said.

"When are you going to give some?" I asked.

"Give you some what?" Dinah asked.

I smacked Dinah on the ass and said, "That good good."

"Really Y/N? All you want from me is sex. I'm hurt." Dinah said.

"Now you know that I didn't fall in love with you because you give me multiple mind blowing, toe curling, back arching orgasms. I fell in love with you because you are an amazing person and you always have my back. The sex is just a bonus." I said.

Dinah just gave me the "yeah bitch that's what I thought look" and cuddle up next to me.

"Dinah did you call the girls and tell them to come over here?" I asked.

"I did babe, they said would get over here as soon as possible." Dinah said.

It's been going on two hours and my friends haven't showed up yet. I ate the last scoop of my vanilla ice cream and tossed the container in the garbage. One of my nurses came in and gave me my painkillers and I took them. Dinah was nice enough to fix my hair and put it in a cute messy bun. My right leg was starting to cramp up and Dinah got up and began massaging it. She's so amazing, I love her. Outside in the hallway we heard a bunch of yelling and screaming, "I know damn well them bitches ain't in that hallway arguing like that." I said.

"Relax baby I got this. Poly beatdowns for all of them." Dinah said.

Dinah opened the door and yelled, "All of you in the room, NOW!"

A woman that takes control, I'm here for it.

The girls filed into my room and they were still arguing. Here I am sitting in a hospital, awake after being in a coma for three weeks, and these hoes want to argue. That's okay I'm going to stop all of this foolishness once and for all. I cleared my throat loud enough so everyone could hear it and all of the arguments stopped. The girls all looked at me and began smiling. They all walked toward me and I gave them the hand.

"Nah bruh y'all aren't hugging me until we fix these problems that have infiltrated our circle. The only one out of you guys that's allowed to hug me is Tori." I said.

"How come blondie gets to hug you and we don't?" Lauren asked.

"Watch yourself Lauren." Reese said.

"Tori gets to hug me because she kept my sister happy while I was gone. Unlike the rest of you running away at the first sight of trouble." I said.

"So here's what's going to happen Laurmani and Toreese y'all are going to sit in the hallway and wait your turn. Camally you stay." Dinah said.

"How come you get to stay?" Lauren asked Dinah.

"She's my wifey that's why. Now the rest of you get the hell out." I said.

Laurmani and Toreese left the room quietly and Camally stayed like I told them to. I told them to sit down on the couch and both of started rolling their eyes at each other.

"Now what seems to be the problem with you two?" I asked.

"She doesn't listen to me." Camila and Ally said at the same time.

"I see the problem already babe." Dinah said.

"Me too. When was the last time you two had sex?" I asked.

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