Chapter One <3

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I woke up to the sound of an airplane landing. I groaned tiredly as I stretched my short arms and legs. I sat up, out of my awkward and extremely uncomfortable position that I was sleeping in, to my mother right beside me. She noticed far too quickly – which scared me.

“We’re here now, Love.” She spoke quietly. I knew she was tired and probably really nauseous seeing as how she was terrified of heights. I nodded slowly, looking out the window of the plane as the flight attendant gave instructions on what to do as the plane was coming down for a landing.

        When the plane stopped, my mother and I gathered up our luggage and carried it off the plane. We were the first ones off because we were the only ones in first class – thankfully. We packed everything into our rental car and got in, driving to our new town – Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England.

        After a few minutes of driving, my mum pulled into a rocky-road driveway with a very nicely built home on it. It was sort of average sized… but it looked like posh people would live here – and my mum and I were not posh at all. But the house was very beautiful and that was a lot to ask for, so I’m happy with this house.

“Do you like it, Em?” My mum asked, looking at me with a worried expression. I smiled weakly and nodded. Course I liked this house, but I missed my home. You see, house and home are two different things. A house is somewhere you live after you leave home, a home is where you started and grew up. I missed my HOME. I missed it all… back where all my friends were… all my memories… To be honest, I was quite upset that my mum had moved us here, across the world practically. We used to live in California, you see, and she lost her job and she’s always wanted to move to England, so she did. And she dragged me along with her. I’m her only child, and my father has at least a billion – which is why my mum divorced him. He had 4 children with 4 different women while he was married to my mother. She had no idea about it until he left his phone unlocked one night and he got a call from a girl so my mum answered and this girl just started talking… terrible things… saying that he was a terrible dad for leaving his children and that he should marry her instead of staying married with my mum. As far as I know, he actually did end up marrying that woman, and his other 3 children are now deceased, because the mother’s couldn’t handle anything on their own… he’s a great guy really, always looked up to him. Especially when he’d come home at night, drunk, and beat me till he was worn out. He has strong stamina, so those nights seemed to never end. I still have scars and bruises. Course it wasn’t too long ago, maybe two months or so when they finally divorced. And she didn’t want to stay in California and remember all of the memories there. She wanted to restart her life and have it be over here – where she’s always wanted to live.

        “I’m sorry I had to take you away from your home, Em… but you’ll have a better start here than you ever would have back in Cali. I promise.” My mum gave a caring smile and stroked my cheek before kissing it. I sighed a bit before looking up at her and smiling softly.

“I’m sort of scared, you know… School starts tomorrow and I have no idea what’s going to happen… I don’t even know anything over here.” I groaned a little, sounding so distressed. She shushed me and pulled me in for a hug.

“Darling, they’ll all love you… I guarantee it… and if they don’t, tell me and I’ll arrange a different school for you to attend.” She kissed my head and unbuckled her seatbelt before opening the door to the rental car and getting out. She gave me a small smile through the open door before closing it and walking to the back of the car to unload the luggage. I climbed out and decided to help her out.

        We finally got everything inside of the house, and then randomly an old lady walked out of our bathroom and out of our house and to the rental car.

“Mum, she’s stealing the car!” I screamed in a whisper. My mum let a light laugh out and shook her head.

“Darling, she’s taking it back to the airport, she’s who we bought the house off of. We’ve got a brand new car in the garage.” She informed me. My eyes widened and I nodded.

“Oh.” I mumbled, struggling to carry my bags up the long staircase.

        When I finally got to the top of the stairs, I walked down the hallway and found my room. It was exactly how I hoped it looked. The walls were a blue-ish greenish colour, like my eyes. The curtains of the windows were a dark purple, and my bed and sheets were grey and black. It was perfect. The bay window was probably my favorite. It was really pretty… the most comfortable place to sit, and it was just beautiful… even looking outside, you could see so much and it was just great.

        It took my mum and I the rest of the night to finish unpacking, but we finally did it. And after we finished packing, she wanted to take me out to the local bakery to try the food out. So we did, after we showered and cleaned up the house a bit.

        “I love the smell, don’t you, Em?” My mother gaped as she entered the bakery. I smiled and nodded. It did smell nice. It was obvious that the food here was freshly baked. My mum and I walked up to the counter and sat on these little stools, looking at the menu.

“Can I help you?” Asked this tall bulky figure with a deep husky voice. I did not look up as my mother did and smiled with a nod. I propped my elbows up on the counter and played with strands of my long dark brown curls.

        My mum and I sat and ate the very delicious bread and cake that they served us for a long time. We were just talking about random things and I wasn’t too into the conversation because there was a cute curly haired boy who was sweeping up the floors of the small bakery. He would occasionally glance at me, but I’d quickly look away. He was tall, too, like the other man who took our order. He also had curly dark brown hair like me, and his emerald eyes were really beautiful. He was also bulky and funny, as he danced around a bit as he swept.

        “Ready to go, Em?” My mum interrupted my thoughts. I snapped out of my trance and nodded at her slowly. She stood up from her seat and grabbed her purse, leaving money on the counter for the worker. The worker didn’t seem to understand at first, but then he remembered – we’re American. He chuckled softly and handed the money back to my mum.

“Love, you’ll have to convert your money into our money. We can’t accept American money.” He said politely.

“Oh, I’m sorry, sir, I’ll pay you back as soon as I get it converted.” She told the man.

“Allow me, ma’am.” The curly haired boy stepped up to us and handed the man behind the counter money from his pocket. My mum and I stared at the lad and smiled. He smiled back, dimples showing on either cheek.

“Thank you, darling.” My mum smiled and patted the lads back. He chuckled a little and shook his head.

“It’s nothing. Have a nice night, hopefully we’ll see you back soon.” He smiled and kissed my mum’s hand, and then took mine and kissed it. He was a very charming young man, and he looked about my age.

“Thanks, you, too.” My mum and I told him and the man before walking out of the bakery and to our Porsche.

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