Chapter Twenty-One <3

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The next morning, I wake up from the dogs barking – hungry. I groan before rolling out of my bed and walking downstairs. I unlock their cages and fill their food dishes with their personal food, which I believe to all be the same, but the lady at the store begs to differ.

“There you go.” I murmur groggily, perambulating back upstairs. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower, to a fairly scalding temperature. I strip down, looking at my reflection. I note two giant lovebites under my earlobe and at the base of my neck. I sigh heavily, rolling my shoulders in attempt to get all the weight off of them. And sadly, it doesn’t help. I sigh again, insulting my appearance, criticizing everything I could possibly criticize.

“You’re ugly.” I spit at myself, meaning it. My phone vibrates on the granite countertop in the bathroom and I turn to get it. The caller ID indicates that Runa is calling me. I smile gently, missing her and her sassy attitude.

“Hey, Runa.” I smile, answering the phone.

“Hey! I’ve been worrying about you! I heard all these rumors about you at the studio and I got nervous! What’s going on?” She asked, concern clear in her tone. I sigh softly before closing my eyes for a few minutes and opening them again.

“There’s a lot to explain…” I get out in a feeble whimper. She stays silent, obviously waiting for me to continue.

“Come over?” I ask her softly, tears starting to blur my vision. I don’t like crying in front of people, but Runa makes me feel like it’s okay to and that I’m safe with her and totally, completely 100% comforted.

“Of course, I’ll be there in about two hours.” She says, warmth in her words. I sigh in relief and take a deep breath to try and to swallow the ever growing lump in my throat.

“I’ll see you soon then.” I breathe out, biting my lip to keep the tears at bay.

“Yes, see you soon. Bye, love, try not to do anything stupid till I show up.” She says, though I know she’s trying to lift the oppressive thoughts of mine. I let out a soft laugh, nodding – though she can’t see me.

“Alright, I promise.” I say and hang up, setting my phone back down on the counter. I step into my super fancy shower, thanks to my job and boss for mostly buying me this place, and let my thoughts disintegrate as I start to sing/hum Tired Pony songs – as they’re my favorite band at the moment. I shave practically my entire body, wash myself with my delicious smelling body wash and shampoo and condition my hair with my two-in-one bottle that smells like heaven. I stay in the shower a little longer than intended, but I have a while before Runa shows up. And besides, showers help me think over things more clearly and it helps my aching body and stressed mind. I love showers, and if you disagree, we aren’t friends.

        When I finally decide to get out of the shower, I have about a half hour to get ready before Runa heads over. I turn on my iHome and put my iPod in it, playing my favorite songs and singing along as I dress into cute girly panties and bra, a crème tank-top, leggings, and an oversized jumper that I believe used to be my best guy friend’s back at home in California. I’m not sure why he had it, because it was always a decent temperature in Cali, never too cold, never too hot, just right. Either way, I fell in love with it when I first saw him wear it. Then I went to his house for a party and took it from him. He didn’t seem to notice, so… finder’s keepers?

        I comb through my hair as it starts curling instantly like it always does. Everyone has admired the length of my hair and my natural curls that look “professionally done” as so they say. But I always hated my hair, it was unruly. I put my hair up in a messy bun and put my makeup on, a little foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, and chapstick. I looked decent, not great, but whatever, I’m not trying to impress anyone.

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