Chapter Twenty-Three <3

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I stare at my phone screen as I try to remember if I’ve ever had that number in my phone before. I haven’t as far as I know… I already have Ed’s, and Harry’s… I’m not even going to suggest girls because no girl could have that deep of a voice. But the only two guys that I could ever see calling me or texting me would be Harry or Ed… well, not even Harry. He’s out. I’m not going to even think about him ever trying to call me. It must have been Ed drunk calling me. Maybe he was out with friends? God, I hope so.

        I shrug off the phone call as it’s not that important to me at the moment. I walk outside, into the parking lot, and get in my car. I drive down the road a ways until I see a building that has a big “LESSONS” sign on the outside. It looks like an old cinema. I smile at how impeccably beautiful the exterior is, I can only hope that the inside is just as breathtaking. I park my car in the small parking lot and climb out of my car. I walk inside, gasping as every small detail in the building. It is breathtaking.

“Excuse me, miss? What can I help you with?” A nice lady asks me. I look up at her. She’s a lot taller than me, and her dress is a bit too short. But she’s beautiful and she seems pretty sweet.

“I was wondering where you held piano lessons..” I murmur quietly, giving her a small smile. She waves her hand in a ‘come here’ motion and I follow. She walks me down a long hallway, explaining the type of lessons they give here, telling me how many professionals they have working here, too. She leads me into the last room on the right and smiles.

“Mr. S., this is a student of yours now. She’s just signed up.” The lady tells a young looking guy. He turns around to greet us with warm smiles.

“Why, hello, milady.” He smiles and takes my hand, kissing the top of it. He’s got glorious blue eyes, and his brown-blonde hair is tousled as though he’s been tugging at it. His lips are warm against my cold skin and I give him a sweet smile.

“Hello, sir.” I greet him. His eyes have a sparkle in them as he slowly releases my hand back to my side.

“The lessons begin tomorrow, Emma, and I’ll need your monthly pay before you leave.” The lady informs me and I nod to her before she walks out. I think her nametag read, “Lucy” but I’m not quite sure.

“Well, Miss Emma, what sparked you to learn piano?” The young man asks, moving over on the bench, patting the spot beside him. I take a seat next to him and take a deep breath before answering. It smells awfully familiar in here.

“Well, ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted to learn piano, and I guess my mum never got the time to take me to piano lessons… so I had to wait until I could do it myself.” I explain, my fingers gently tracing the keys of the grand piano.

“Well I can teach you. My name is Mr. S., S is for Selley, but you can call me Ben, if you’d like.” He smiles. His smile is very attractive, and he’s very nice.

“My name is Emma, and you can call me Miss Riley, if you’d like.” I smile.

“What a beautiful name.” He compliments and I blush a light shade of pink.

“Why thank you, Ben.” I stand up and look around the room.

“Did you do these designs on the walls?” I ask, using my index finger to trace the unique patterns. I hear him laugh deeply.

“Oh no, I’m not that talented. A friend of mine came in and designed the walls for me.” He says with a smile, seeming to remember something that I’m not included on.

“What’s their name? I might have to call them to come paint my walls.” I joke, walking over to a candle on a little nightstand table, burning a strong scent.

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