Chapter Nine<3

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***Harry’s P.O.V. ***

        Emma had no idea how her ignoring me made me feel. She may not have noticed she was ignoring me, but it was just obvious she wasn’t comfortable around me. I mean, I know it was sort of awkward, but seriously? She didn’t have to ignore because of it… I could’ve made her comfortable again. Or at least tried to make her comfortable again. I seriously went a bit depressed for a while after she acted like she didn’t want to be near me. I sort of still am depressed. We haven’t talked in a month. And it’s killing me. I love her. I knew something was special about her since I first met her… but my feelings just seemed to keep growing for her.

        I walked passed my house, heading for my bakery job – which I surprisingly still had. When I walked in, Barbara walked towards me and smiled.

“Good to see you, Harry!” She hugged me, patting my bum like she always did. I smiled weakly at her, hugging her back slightly, trying to make my way to the back room. She let me by without a problem and went back to baking.

        I swept the floors like usual, cleaning up the place a bit before helping Barbara with some bread in the oven. She looked at me curiously.

“What’s been going on? You haven’t been here in a while.” She stated, carefully rolling out dough for another loaf of bread. I sighed, pulling a couple of the breads out of the oven and placing them on the counter for customers to see.

“Well… Barbara, I sort of messed things up with a girl I really like… I’ve got no chance of getting her back.” I sighed, leaning back against the counter and fiddling with the oven mitts I was wearing. Barbara walked towards me and frowned.

“Who is this little lady of yours?” She asked quietly, leaning on the counter beside me. I bit my bottom lip and looked up at her.

“Her name is Emma… She used to come here a lot with her mum…” I murmured, hoping Barbara didn’t remember Emma. But as soon as I had said her name, her face lit up.

“Oh, she’s a nice girl. What happened between you two?” She asked. She was going to question me until I told her everything.

“Barbara, I’m sorry, but it’s kind of a personal situation…” I mumbled lowly, a blush on my cheeks. No one was going to know about this but Emma and I, unless she already told someone. Barbara sighed, nodding.

“What you have to do is talk to her, Harold.” She said before going back to baking.

“But she won’t talk back to me.”

“That’s when you make her sit down and listen to what you have to say.” She said bluntly. It sort of stunned me how much Barbara helped me. I smiled and hugged her before murmuring thanks to her and walking out of the small bakery after hanging my apron up.

        I walked down the road a ways until I got to my second job, being a trainer for boxing and weight lifting. I had been taught how to box for a few years now, but they told me I was “too good” at boxing to keep being trained. So they illegally let me become a trainer just a couple months ago.

“Hey, Michael.” I grumbled as I walked through the doors and headed to my locker in the shower room. Mike followed me into the locker room and chuckled.

“You seem upset.” He commented, draping a towel around the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes, taking my shirt off and changing into basketball shorts and tennis shoes. I began warming up in the locker room, 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 jumping-jacks, 200 pull-ups, 200 squats, 200 press-ups, and to top it all off, running for 30 minutes around the gym area. Michael watched me in awe, because it was all so effortless to me. Yeah, I was sweating, but barely breathing hard at all. Exercising came easy to me for some reason.

“I don’t know how you do it, Styles.” He grumbled, moving into the boxing cage and punching on the huge heavy bag tied up in the middle. I laughed airily, walking over to the weight section of the gym, lifting the 300lbs weights effortlessly, doing 100 of them.

“Would you stop before you pass out!?” Mike shouted, seemingly jealous of my merciless workout. I laughed loudly, shaking my head.

“I’m not even tired yet, Michael.” I put the weights down and jumped into the other boxing cage. I hit on the punching bag until I was tired – which took a while.

        After my entire workout was over with, I headed to the showers and took a nice hot shower. Michael was talking to me outside of the shower like he usually did. We were the only ones here tonight.

“Yeah, I’m not sure what to do with her. I mean, all she wants is my body. It’s like I, as a person, don’t even matter to her.” He blabbered on about his girlfriend. I sighed, grabbing a towel and drying myself off.

“Then maybe she’s not the one for you, mate.” I said as I got dressed into the clothes I was wearing earlier. He looked shocked.

“Maybe you’re right…” He mumbled, looking down at his feet. “Hey, you got a special girl in your life?” He asked, looking back up at me. I nodded slightly.

“It’s complicated.” I answered bluntly. I was very tired of talking about it. It only made me feel worse than I already did.

“What happened?” He asked – pushing on like he always did. I shook my head.

“No, man, it’s not something I want to talk about. It’s between me and her.” I answered, packing up my things and walking out of the building. The only one who will know about this would be Gemma, she helped me with everything.

        “What you have to do is simple… just talk to her, well, make her talk to you.” Gemma said, curled up on the couch with me. I sighed, shaking my head.

“She won’t even look at me really..” I sighed. Gemma stroked my curls as my head lay in her lap. She tutted me quietly, hugging me.

“Then maybe she’s just one of those annoying little preps who always treat you terrible at school.” She murmured. I shook my head. Emma was different, definitely, I just need her back.

“Em’s different… She cares… or… she did care…” I said lowly, trying to hold the tears back. Gemma quickly pulled me up so I could cry on her shoulder.

“Don’t cry over girls, they’re icky.” She murmured as she stroked my back and my curls. I cried silently on her shoulder, my sobs gently racking my body. Gemma sighed heavily. Emma was worth crying over – I don’t care who tells me otherwise.

***Emma’s P.O.V. ***

        “Emma, let me talk to you, please.” I heard a familiar husky voice behind me. I closed the door to my locker and turned around to see a tall curly headed boy with red swollen eyes, cheeks, and lips. I pouted a little. I knew he had been crying, and still was crying a little. I just looked up at him, not saying anything. He was slightly breathless as he eyed me.

“I’m sorry about everything… I didn’t think you’d react the way you did and I’m sorry about it. I promise it won’t happen again.. I love you, please; I need my best friend back.” He whispered through his tears. My bottom lip quivered at the sight of him crying. It hurt me every time he cried. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me. He buried his face in my neck and cried, his arms snaking around me. I stroked his soft chestnut curls and shushed him. I hugged him so tightly to me.

“Shhh, I’m here.” I said quietly, kissing his head repeatedly. I hated seeing him like this. It just felt awkward being close to him like this again. But I honestly couldn’t care at this point. He was crying for goodness sakes.

        I comforted Harry for a while until he stopped crying. He peered up at me and kissed my neck softly.

“I’m so sorry… I miss you… I love you…” He murmured sweet things against my skin as kids passed by in the hallway. I kissed his cheek and hugged him once more before pulling away from him and getting to class.


Author's Note: I'm not going to update until there is five comments and five votes! I need the encouragement, guys!!

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