Chapter Twenty <3

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“Uhh…” was all I could manage to get out. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it. “Do I get some time to think about this? I mean… we’ve just reunited after months of being separated…” I breathed shakily. His face dropped instantly.

“Uh.. how much time do you need..?” He asked tentatively.

“Does it matter how much time I need?” I asked in a harsher tone than intended.

“Uh, yeah, it kind of does. I’m on tour still, and I’d really like to know your answer before I have to leave again.” He said in a calming voice. It really bothers me that he’s on tour with Taylor… and now it especially bothers me that he’s asked me out and he’s leaving in less than five weeks.

“Ed, that’s the thing… you’re leaving soon and it probably won’t work..” I sigh, curling up into a ball on his bed. He sighed heavily and looked down.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to make this work. I have loved you for a long, long time and I’m not about ready to give up on you yet.” He said in a soft tone, his eyes searching me for some sort of answer. I quickly looked away from him.

“Please just give me a few days or so..” I murmured quietly, unable to make eye contact with him while I speak. I hear his slight sigh.

“Alright… just remember that I will treat you better than anyone ever could..” He breathes. I nod slowly before standing up without making eye contact with him.

“I’ll think about it for a bit, and thank you very much for taking care of me back at the studio.” I manage to force a weak smile upon my probably really solemn looking face.

“It was nothing. Taylor’s just a bit too much sometimes, believe me.” He says softly, humor hinting in his tone.

“I know.” I nod, reaching for him. He stands to his feet and hugs me tightly, like swallowing me in his body.

“I’ll see you later.” He says into my ear before pulling away. I nod once more and walk to the door of his bedroom. I walk downstairs and out the front door after grabbing my car keys from the counter. I walk out to my car, since Taylor drove Ed to the studio and left him there with no car, and drive back to my house.

        Once I get to my house, I debate on calling Runa over, but decide against it since she must still be working. I sigh, cleaning up around the house as thoughts cloud my head. Why would he ask me out so soon after we literally just reunited after months of zero contact? I just don’t understand anymore.

        After the house was cleaned and organized, I called the pet shop down the street a ways from me.

“Hi, I was wondering if you had any Collie’s at your shop at the moment?” I asked the nice sounding lady on the other end of the phone.

“We have one! Would you like to come by and see him?” She asked me. I smiled and nodded, though she can’t see me.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.” I said and hung up. Finally, other company besides myself.


        “He has a clean record of the past, course he’s only a puppy, but he’s growing into a nice dog. We’ve also got his best friend, Teddy, a Teacup Pomeranian.” She smiles, showing me the super small, white little puffball. I smile, falling in love with both of the dogs instantly.

“I’ll take both of them.” I tell the lady. She smiles and leads me around to help me find the food recommended for them both, beds for them, leashes, a vet that they go to in town, and a bunch more information I’ll need to know. I thank the lady after her informational speech about the two puppies, and put the leashes on them and walk them out to my car that has been significantly filled with food and toys and beds and so much more for these two little angels. They hop in the car and I get in after, driving back home.

        Once I get home, I unpack the car after taking the pups inside.

“Welcome home, guys.” I smile, setting up their things all over the house. The puppies really are best friends. They’re nudging each other and playing around all cute and stuff. I’m just scared that when the Collie gets bigger, that it’ll scare Teddy. What should I name the Collie anyways? I think for a moment and decide on Charlie, because it’s cute for a Collie like him.

        Once I get the pups situated, I head upstairs and get ready for bed and fall asleep after such a stress-filled day.


Author's Note: Please don't forget to comment and vote! Much appreciated! Can't believe I have so many reads on this story! Love it! Love you all! I know it's short, but I'm busy with school!

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