Chapter Thirty <3

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Author’s Note: This is a heads up before you start reading. Dirty things happen beyond this point… read at your own risk. Don’t comment complaints, please and thanks(:

*** Emma’s P.O.V. ***

        I wake up with a massive headache and an aching body. What the hell happened last night? I sit up and examine the room. Where the hell am I? I stand up quickly and walk out of the room, images of last night running through my head. I gasp once I see Harry on the couch that is now in the living room, most likely to his doing. I can’t believe he can move that by himself. Rosie and I both tried to move it together and it didn’t move at all.

“Harry..?” I ask, slowly walking up to him. His sleepy face is too cute, and his hair is all tousled up from his sleep. He’s in a pretty adorable position, might I say. I reach down to run a hand through his hair and he moves a little, moving more onto his back. I smile down at him and sit on the little space he’s left by his side. He opens his eyes weakly, barely able to keep them open. He reaches his hands towards me slowly, his long arm stretching around my waist and pulling me to him. I hesitate a little bit before relaxing against him, lying side by side. He nuzzles his face into my neck and sighs heavily.

“How are you feeling?” He asks me lowly, his morning voice possibly the sexiest thing ever heard, deep and husky. I shiver and curl into his arms and chest, nuzzling his neck.

“Tired… confused… aching…” I breathe, hugging him to me tightly. He wraps me up in the blanket he’s been using, cuddling me close to him. It’s just then when I realize that he’s only in his boxers. I try to avoid that fact and cuddle him. His warmth is something that is always constant, and I will never understand why. Maybe because he’s so hot?

“Do I need to get you some medicine, babe?” He asks me, his eyes closed again, tangling his legs with mine, continuously rubbing his hairy legs against my smooth ones, probably liking the feeling like I do.

“No, you’re tired… You need sleep…” I murmur, kissing his forehead gently. Last night he was so sweet to me… singing me to sleep and holding me… I just hope he didn’t try to do anything while I was sleeping…

“I’m fine… It just takes me a while to wake up…” He grumbles, his chest vibrating against mine. I smile at him, even though his eyes are closed. He’s still not a morning person, obviously.

“You don’t need to wake up though..” I breathe, stroking his jaw softly.

“I do if you want medicine…” He murmurs, goosebumps rising where my fingers touch. I draw in a soft breath and move my lips to his jaw, kissing his skin softly. Something about him and his reactions to me just drive me insane…

“Emma…” He breathes softly, his chest rising up and down a bit faster as I start to suck on a certain spot on his neck. I hum against him and tangle my hands in his hair. His hands move downward and grasp my bum in his massive hands, his lips moving to my neck when I gasp at his sudden impulse. His hands squeeze my bum in a rhythmic pattern with his lips on my neck and I nearly lose it until he stops, moving his lips to my ear.

“Feeling better?” He asks me softly, breathless for some reason. I nod frantically, wanting him to continue his gentle assaults. He chuckles deeply and moves his lips back to my neck, continuing to suck and bite certain spots that feeling so amazing. I keep my eyes closed and he continues to work his magic.

“Would you like me to pleasure you, Emma?” He pants out breathlessly, sounding more like begging than a question. I nod before I can think, all the blood rushing to my lower region – making me answer with a yes, of course.

“Say it… say you want me to please you…” He begs, one hand moving up my back and to my breasts, rubbing one. I gasp, breathing hard.

“I want you to please me…” I whimper out, barely able to even say it. His hand trails instantly lower, moving into my pants, rubbing my clit through my panties. I let an involuntary moan escape, my hips bucking off of the bed. What is going on?

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