Chapter Twenty-Two <3

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“So what are you going to do about Ed?” Runa asks me, her paintbrush skimming along the canvas. She never lost focus while painting… it was amazing.

“Um… Not so sure… I don’t want to date him yet… nor do I want to ignore him and become distant again…” I mumble lowly, fiddling with my fingers shyly. I didn’t like talking about my problems when there were other people around that I wasn’t comfortable with.

“When is he leaving again?” She asks me, drawing her bottom lip between her teeth in concentration.

“Two weeks.” I sigh, feeling jealous of her artistic abilities.

“So you have two weeks to decide, don’t rush yourself. I just want to know what you’re thinking right now.” She says softly. She’s very considerate about keeping her voice down when we’re discussing things around other people. I sigh once more and put my head in my hands, bringing my knees up to my chest.

“I really don’t know. He’s not really anything like me..” I groan quietly, feeling the oppressive thoughts cloud over.

“People tend to go for polar opposites of themselves..” She says in a matter-o-fact tone. I roll my eyes. I didn’t go for polar opposites of myself.

“Not me.” I mumble.

“I know.” She giggles softly, “But you could try.” She suggests. I almost consider that suggestion until Jordan walks over and interrupts my thoughts.

“Hey, Emma.” He acknowledges me, “Hello, Love..” He acknowledges Runa. Runa’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

“Hello, Jordan.” I smile at him as he takes a seat beside Runa.

“H-Hi, Jord-Jordan..” She stutters cutely, her cheeks turning a darker shade of pink. I stifle a giggle and pull out my phone to pretend like I’m not paying attention to them in case he does something.

“So, I was wondering… if… if you wanted to go to the cinema with me next weekend? We could see the new… um… romantic comedy..” And now his cheeks turn pink as he asks her on a date basically. Runa smiles and turns to me to mouth something, but before she can, Jordan – yet again – interrupts her. “I-I mean, if that’s okay… I don’t want you to feel like you have to go.” He stutters, clearing his throat as his voice breaks slightly from his embarrassment. I stifle another giggle and nod to Runa.

“I’d love to go with you, J-Jordan.” She turns to him and smiles. A look of relief just washes over the both of them and they gaze into each others eyes for a few minutes before he pulls her into a tight hug. I can’t help but want to squeal at their cuteness and shyness towards each other.

“Alright, well, I’ll see you two later..” Jordan says as he hesitantly pulls away from Runa. She blushes and smiles.

“See you later, Jordan.” She mumbles softly. I smile and wave goodbye to him as he wanders away. Runa turns to me and her eyes well up with tears. I quickly hug her as she starts to cry on my shoulder.

“Babe, please don’t cry!” I laugh softly, rubbing her back, “You don’t need to cry!” I kiss her head and she laughs softly.

“I can’t believe it..” She mumbles, sniffling back her tears of happiness. I giggle and kiss her cheek.

“It’s okay, I was expecting it sooner or later.” I breathe, hugging her. She smiles and hugs me tightly before pulling back.

“He hugged me… oh, God, he hugged me.” She smiles brightly. I laugh at her love-struck phase.

        Runa went back to painting and I went back to work in the English Department. Then the rest of the day went by in a blur…


        “Hello?” I answered my phone as it played Northwestern Skies by Tired Pony.

“Em?” I hear a deep, husky voice on the other end of the phone. Who is this?

“Who’s this?” I ask cautiously.

“It’s… it’s, uh, it’s Ed..” His voice is so low, a warning tone of some sort. It doesn’t even sound like him.

“What’s wrong? You sound… different..” I murmur, taking a seat on the couch as we talk.

“I, um… I need… Em… I miss you…” He speaks slowly, and lowly. It takes me a minute or two to decipher what his tone is hinting at. Is he drunk?

“Are you drunk, Ed?” I ask sharply. I really don’t want to be drunk-dialed. Ever. His heavy breathing on the other end is a bit alarming.

“No.” His answer is so long and deep I can barely hear it, almost like a growl or something… I really don’t know.

“What’s wrong? Where are you?” I interrogate, confused and a bit worried. It doesn’t even sound like Ed, and Ed doesn’t just get drunk or hurt easily. What on earth is happening?

“I-…I’m sorry…” Is all I manage to get out of the – now – disgruntled voice before Ed hangs up. I shiver as the sound scares me. What was that all about?


Author's Note: Hey, guys! I know you probably don't read my author's notes, but you probably should! I'm so busy with school and drama lately that I haven't had all much time to write! I'm so sorry! Trust me, I do try to update when I can! It's sometimes so impossible though. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a nice weekend, mine didn't turn out too well :/ Anyways, I didn't wait to update because of the lack of comments or votes, it's just whenever I think it's time to update, I will(: But I do really enjoy the comments of what you guys think, and the votes to let me know that you're reading what I'm writing and you like it(: It's not that hard to comment or vote, so keep it up(: It's so exciting to see that people like what I love to do!

Stay Beautiful♥

Hope .xx

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