Chapter Fourteen<3

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Harry and I had been kissing for over a half an hour, relentless and loving. Neither wanted to pull away, because, I mean, it was perfect. The feeling was intense and addictive.

“Emmmm….” Harry mumbled on my lips, pulling away so slowly and hesitantly, torturing me. I groaned and hugged him tightly, burying my face in his neck. He chuckled softly, hugging me so tight, kissing my head.

“Sorry, Emma…” He breathed in my ear, “But I should be going now…” He sighed. I shook my head and hopped off of the counter, now ridiculously short.

“You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to, mum isn’t going to be home for a while…” I informed, keeping my arms loosely around his waist. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed my nose.

“You want me to stay?” He asked quietly, a smile on his lips. I nodded without missing a beat.

“I want you to stay.” I breathed, leaning up and kissing his bottom lip – since I’m too short to reach his lips fully. He smiled and kissed me softly before picking me up and carrying me to the couch. I remembered the last time that Harry and I were on the couch… when I had got him off and everything got awkward and our friendship was practically ruined by someone telling everyone. I still wonder how everyone found out.

        Harry noticed me suddenly tense up in his arms.

“Emma, love, what’s wrong?” He murmured in my ear, kissing my temple and hugging me to him. I slowly moved to look up at him, my eyes wide and my lips half parted. He moved one of his hands up to stroke my face, his thumb gently brushing over my parted lips. He sighed before nodding. He knew why I was suddenly so tensed and worried looking.

“Emma, it’s alright.” He assured, “I’m not doing anything like that again, and I’m positive you wouldn’t let me. You don’t need to worry.” He kissed my cheek, cuddling me into his big warm chest. I snuggled into him, just the feeling of his entire being surrounding me was enough to calm me down and satisfy me. I loved it. I loved him.

***One Week Later***

        Harry and I had spent the entire week hanging out together. I’d meet him at the bakery or go over to his house or he’d come to mine. We hung out all week and I enjoyed every second of it. But today was graduation and we wouldn’t be seeing each other anymore… I’d be going away in London to find a full-time job while applying for the big Performing Arts University. I’m hoping to get accepted there so I can work on my future career. Harry, on the other hand, was applying for the X-Factor. Well, his mum applied him there, but he was surely going to give it a try. He had been in a band in high school, which I probably didn’t mention, but he was… they did small gigs, it wasn’t really anything huge, and they were just good friends so they just decided to do it. I went to a few of their gigs and enjoyed it. But now, he was trying to go solo. He had this beautiful thing about his voice that is just so indescribable. I would listen to it for the rest of my life if I could. So anyways, Harry and I were going separate ways… he said if he didn’t get through the X-Factor that he’d try to apply for my University so that he could see me. But I just knew he was going to make it through.

        “Goodluck out there, Emma, it’s a big world.” Harry hugged me, picking me up and spinning me around.

“Yeah, you, too. I’ll be watching you on the telly, you better call me when you get the chance. I know you’ll make it through.” I hugged him back tightly. We both parted from each other, tears falling down our faces. We both leaned in at the same time to seal a final goodbye kiss – this one, was different, more depressing and sad than the first kiss we shared. It broke my heart to say goodbye to him, and I knew it broke his as well… </3


Author's Note: This chapter was sort of rushed because of parents who like to nag at you for hours and hours on end. Sorry I couldn't write anymore! Wish I could >.< The story isn't over yet, it's still got quite a few more chapters I believe... so... keep reading(: I'll be making a story right after this one in case you want to read that one(: Five votes and five comments again? You, sadly, didn't succeed the last request :( </3 Love you guys nontheless!

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