Chapter Thirty-Two <3

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“What the hell are you doing here?!” I spit, my eyes dark and glaring.

“I came to apologize to her..” His pitiful voice sounds. I roll my eyes and turn around to look at Hope. She’s still asleep I hope.

“She’s sleeping, so leave.” I snap bluntly, turning back to him. He looks past me and sighs, turning around and walking away. Before I can close the door, Ed is walking outside towards Harry.

“Ed, what are you doing?” I ask him, staring after him unbelievably. Ed turns back to me and holds up his hands.

“I’m gonna go talk to him.” He says quickly, running towards Harry’s car before Harry can drive away. I sigh, closing the door and walking back to my weak little best friend. She’s crying in her sleep. I pray to God she didn’t hear Harry’s voice. I scoop her up in my arms and snuggle her tightly, wiping her tears away. She’s still asleep.

** Ed’s P.O.V. **

        “Harry, wait up, mate.” I call out to Harry as he climbs into his car. Harry looks up at me, tears staining his cheeks from what I can tell by the dim light in his car. I climb in the passenger’s seat and sigh heavily.

“I need an explanation now.” I tell him, looking at him uneasily.

“Ed, they’re controlling my life! I can’t handle it anymore! I need her! I can’t do this! I need a break!” He sobs out, his hands covering his face.

“Then tell your fucking management to stop ruining your life!” I yell. “You can’t keep hurting yourself like this! She needs you and you need her! I don’t want to keep being here for her when you’re all she wants! I feel like I’m not gonna do anything for her! She’s constantly crying over you and you’re constantly crying over her! Just end things between Taylor and tell your management that you’re done with their shit and go to Emma! Stop hurting her! She honestly thinks you’re planning on hurting her, and that you’re actually turning into this gigantic dick when you aren’t! I don’t know how you’re being so good at this, you’re a terrible actor and you need to stop and tell her the truth behind everything.” I rant on, crying myself a little. I’ve hated seeing both Harry and Emma like this. And I literally just found out about all of Harry’s asshole-ness is coming from his management forcing him into doing all of these things that he hates to do.

“Ed, it’s not that easy.” He cries, his entire body shaking with sobs. “If I quit, what about the lads? The fans? I lose it all and I hate that. I’m finally doing something that I’m good at, and I’m getting paid to do it and I love it. I just hate the publicity shit. I hate how Taylor’s using me. How management thinks they run my life. It’s my life. I can’t do anything without them watching. They’re making me act like an asshole towards everyone I love, Ed, and I can’t do anything about it.” He sobs out, tears just soaking his face, hands, and shirt. I sigh heavily, patting his back.

“It’s okay, Harry, I understand you don’t want to lose what you have… but what about Emma?” I ask, trying my best to comfort my crying best friend.

“I want her so badly. I thought I could change things today… but then management called and told me I had to break things up because people were getting curious about my show up to Rose’s party. I had to hurt her and scare her away so that I could stop hurting her… and then… once I said what I said… I instantly regret it. Her face was powerful enough to kill me inside. She looked so scared… so vulnerable… so sad and hurt… I just cried instantly and I didn’t want to leave. I just went and tore up her living room and left. I didn’t know what to do Ed!” He cries out loudly, hitting his steering wheel a couple times to let his anger out. “I came back to apologize and try to get her back after I’ve just told my management that I can’t handle this anymore. I’m publicly breaking up with Taylor tomorrow regardless of what management says. I just… I need Emma. She’s been there for me since day one… and I’ve done nothing but hurt her ever since… her poor little texts made me want to kill myself so many times. And I couldn’t even reply. Just read them and cried for hours. I miss her. I’ve missed her so much. Ed, I don’t know how I’m going to even start my apology towards her. She’s just… she’s broken because of me and I hate the fact that it’s ME who has caused her so much pain. I’m so mad. At myself. At everyone that has been sucked in on this sick joke by my fucking management.” He says, wiping his tears away, taking a deep breath. “No one deserves to be hurt this much… and she’s a saint and a true legend if she can forgive me for hurting her so much. But it’s not my fault… it’s managements fault. They’re fucking idiots and I’m done. I’m telling them tomorrow that I’m going to find better managers. I’m firing all of them. I’m telling Simon, the lads, my family, everyone. I’m telling everyone how horrible these people are. I’m going to apologize to everyone I’ve hurt. Especially Emma. I don’t know why I haven’t done this sooner… I just… it’s harder than it seems. And seeing Emma cry so many times in front of me and seeing her face when I purposely hurt her today just forced out my anger and sadness and I’m quitting it all. Even if it means that I lose my job. Emma is more important to me.” He says, his voice sounding like he has his mind made up. I smile and pat Harry on the back again.

“I’m proud of you, mate. I always knew you were strong and smart. Maybe you were weak and dumb for a while, but you’re getting stronger and smarter by the second. Now, I think you should go home and sleep. You look exhausted, mate, and you need to get your energy back up before your big day tomorrow.” I tell him, sitting up, opening the car door to let the cool air in to calm Harry down. He’s hot and mad and sad.

“I can’t sleep without Emma… I never sleep anymore. If I do, it’s because I took pills to knock me out.. I can’t sleep without her touch that day. Seeing her smile. I haven’t fully slept since before my X-Factor audition. I just haven’t been able to sleep. She’s always been around and I never had to worry. I’ve been such a dick to her… Has she been able to sleep without me?” He asks. I sigh and nod slowly.

“She thought you were gone for life when you just kept ignoring her… so she started taking sleeping pills until she eventually could just fall asleep by herself. She hasn’t had a problem sleeping since.” I explain. So much is going on right now, in Emma’s mind and in Harry’s. They need to talk, but neither are ready right now. Harry’s face contorts with anger and he nods.

“I’ve been taking sleeping pills ever since I had to leave.” He mumbles, looking out of his window.

“Well, you knew everything that she didn’t… you can’t blame her for moving on. Well, not even moving on. She just thought you didn’t care anymore, so she decided not to either, even though she did and still does. But anyways, you need to go home and sleep. Emma isn’t gonna be ready to talk to you for a while, I don’t think.” I tell him softly. Harry nods slowly and sighs.

“Thank you, Ed… for being there for her when I wasn’t. I appreciate you treating her like she needs to be treated. She deserves you instead of an asshole like me. But I know for a fact that I love her more than anyone. And you and I both know she loves me more than anyone could ever love me. At least, I hope she still loves me that much.” He sighs.

“She does.” I assure him, climbing out of his car. “We’ll talk later. Try and get some sleep tonight, Harry. And good luck tomorrow with everything. I know it will all work out well.” I encourage him and close the door before he drives off.


Author's Note: Hey, guys! Sorry it's taking me so long to update nowadays, just so much going on at school and at home, so I try to find the time to write. This is a shorter chapter, but it's as good as you're gonna get for a while! How was everyone's Christmas and New Years? This is the first update since 2013! I feel like such a slacker! Haha, but I love you guys! Thanks for the comments and votes and reads! They all mean so much!

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Stay Beautiful♥

Hope .xx

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