Chapter Twenty-Seven<3

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After an estimate of ten minutes, we finally pull away, lips numb and swollen, hearts beating quickly at the heated/passionate kiss. His eyes are still closed, but his lips are parted and he’s smiling happily, keeping his face close to mine and my body pressed to him still. I’m more out of breath than he is, but that’s okay, it was worth the lack of oxygen.

“You know… You’re a really great kisser…” He says with such surprise. I stifle a laugh and gently nudge at his chest, blushing.

“You’re not too bad yourself.” I compliment, hugging him tightly. He smiles and kisses the top of my head.

“What time is it?” He murmurs softly. I glance at the clock behind him.

“10:32AM…” I mumble, “Why?” I ask, looking back up at him.

“Well, shit…” He groans softly. “I have interviews.” He mutters lowly, nuzzling his face in my neck. I pout, stroking the back of his head, hugging him tighter to me. He sighs and kisses at my neck softly. My eyelids flutter closed and I kiss at his earlobe. He nips at a certain spot before lifting me up and holding me to him, my legs wrapped around his hips.

“I have to leave, Em..” He murmurs, holding me to him. I shake my head, sighing heavily.

“No, I won’t let you…” I grumble, clinging onto him as tight as I can. He chuckles and pinches my bum, making me squirm. I practically fall, but he catches me, setting me on my feet. I groan, trying to cling onto him still.

“Baby, I must leave..” He breathes, kissing my nose and putting my hands by my side. I pout tremendously, looking down, defeated. I hear him sigh with a slight laugh, “Love, don’t be like this… You have all next week with me before I have to leave. I’ll be back Monday for you. Sooner, if you honestly can’t stand it without me.” He says in my ear, his voice soothing and sweet. I keep pouting, tears welling up in my eyes. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do without him… I mean, tonight I have Rosie’s party tonight, and I’ll probably end up staying there… I guess I’ll have Runa over Sunday night and have her stay until Ed gets back. Heck, maybe Jordan can come, too.

“Please don’t cry, Em, it’s only for a short while…” He breathes, wrapping me up in his arms and kissing my cheek repeatedly. I whimper and hug him tightly.

“I’m gonna miss you, Teddy.” I sniff. I know I’m being a bit overemotional at the moment, but I really am going to miss him.

“Shhh, love, it’s only for a short while..” He murmurs, pressing his lips to my temple, wiping the tears that just now decide to fall. I sniff again and press my lips to his. He kisses me instantly, making me forget the starting pain in my chest.

        Too soon, he pulls back, pecking my lips a couple times before releasing me. I whimper again, reaching for him. He smiles at me and takes my face in his strong hands.

“Love, please don’t cry, you make me sad… I’ll drive right to your house when I’m done visiting my parents, I promise.” He breathes, kissing my nose and stroking my cheeks softly. I swear I have a permanent pout on my lips, but I can tell he finds it either cute or amusing.

“Okay.” I huff, wrapping my arms around his torso in a hug. He hugs me back tightly, picking me up and spinning me around slowly, carrying me to the front door.

“I’ll see you on Monday sometime, sweetheart.” He murmurs, slipping on his shoes and setting me down on my feet. He leans down and kisses me softly before heading outside to his car. I sigh, watching him pull out of my driveway and drive away. Well, looks like it’s time to call Rosie.

        I pull out my phone and dial Rosie’s number, walking to the dogs’ cage, letting them out and feeding them.

“Hello?” She answers. I smile.

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